
Hello, my name is Letty. I’m a 1½ year old Brittany and Poodle mix. Although I mostly look like a Brittany, I have the intelligence of a poodle. I came to my foster parent’s home with my brother Niko who I love very much. We’ve settled into our new life and I am house and…

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Hello, my name is Niko. I’m a 1 ½ year old Brittany and Poodle mix, although I mostly look like a Poodle. I came to my foster parent’s home with my sister Letty who I love very much. We’ve settled into our new life and I am house and crate trained. I can sit, play…

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Scout came in and was evaluated, updated on vaccines, etc. and was adopted to an approved adopter. It was the perfect fit!

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Ruby came in as a foster to adopt and became part of their family after about a month!

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1.5.24 Came into rescue. Surrendered because family did not have time for her (traveling to care for mother with dementia), spouse works nights so sleeps in the day. Very well bred, from hunting and performance lines. Breeder is elderly. has retired and has health problems so couldn’t take her back. She will be traveling to…

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Hello my name is Tucker. I am fully potty trained. I’m not crazy about my crate, I get a little upset when my humans go to work but after a few minutes I lay down and take a nap until they get home. I love to see the kids when they come to visit. I’ve…

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Poppy aka Tessa

Poppy is a smaller Britt, but don’t let that fool you She is very active and loves to run and play with her foster brother. She is a typical 12 month old brittany, full of spunk, love and creativity. Poppy was purchased from a Breeder in Georgia and flown to her owner. He wanted her…

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Meet Sam, a curious little boy who has a zest for life and pushing boundaries! This adorable boy has personality + + +. Sam just loves to snuggle whenever he can get one squeezed in, play with his toys and be as mischievous as they come. Sam is also very shy. You would never know…

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Meet Wyatt! A very handsome mostly white 19 month old Brittany who came in along with his brother, Sam. Even one of his eyes has “white” eyelashes!! Wyatt is a very affectionate, loving Brittany. Don’t let that fool you though, he is 1000% pure Brittany that comes with all the antics they can possibly muster.…

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Doug is coming in as a foster to adopt from MN to Colorado. Working on transport as we speak.

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