Sushi - 20030339

Location: Kissimmee, Florida
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: June 12, 2008 - Actual
Age: 16 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Dog Story: Sushi is an approximately two-year-old who may be only part Brittany, but her characteristics are the best of the breed.She loves to be with her people and is happiest just hanging out with whoever will rub her belly and/or throw her ball.Sushi has excellent house manners and in the three weeks she has been with us has earned the right to be left uncrated at night and when left alone with the resident britts.A medium-energy girl, she probably would do well in any setting. She only likes to be out in the yard with human company and loves her walks, although she does pull (that part of her is definitely britt).From what we have observed, Sushi gets along great with other dogs and is respectful of our older, grumpier britts.She does not jump or get overly excited, but being a shelter dog and not knowing her background I would hesitate to put her in a home with very young children.She would be a great companion for anyone else. Sushi was rescued from a local shelter on her last day.Although she was a Brittany mix, the ABR volunteer could not resist her sweet face and into foster care she came. Gaining some weight and clearing up some skin issues from a flea allergy has made Sushi a healthy and happy girl ready for a forever home.

Sushi - 20030339

Location: Kissimmee, Florida
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: June 12, 2008 - Actual
Age: 16 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Dog Story: Sushi is an approximately two-year-old who may be only part Brittany, but her characteristics are the best of the breed.She loves to be with her people and is happiest just hanging out with whoever will rub her belly and/or throw her ball.Sushi has excellent house manners and in the three weeks she has been with us has earned the right to be left uncrated at night and when left alone with the resident britts.A medium-energy girl, she probably would do well in any setting. She only likes to be out in the yard with human company and loves her walks, although she does pull (that part of her is definitely britt).From what we have observed, Sushi gets along great with other dogs and is respectful of our older, grumpier britts.She does not jump or get overly excited, but being a shelter dog and not knowing her background I would hesitate to put her in a home with very young children.She would be a great companion for anyone else. Sushi was rescued from a local shelter on her last day.Although she was a Brittany mix, the ABR volunteer could not resist her sweet face and into foster care she came. Gaining some weight and clearing up some skin issues from a flea allergy has made Sushi a healthy and happy girl ready for a forever home.