Sadie - 20032145

Location: Sacramento, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 18, 2008 - Actual
Age: 16 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Sadie was found tied to the shelter door one morning, abandoned by her family. The shelter reached out to ABR and asked if we would be willing to take her. We said YES!! Her first night n Foster Care, Sadie was so tickled to be ‘out of jail’ that she bounced around the floor, played with Foster Mom’s small dog and loved on the Cats. She gets along with everyone, and is so sweet and gentle. She is fully housebroken, loves to sleep in bed with you, but understands what a crate is. She doesn’t chew or show any destructive behavior. She is an easy going, really sweet dog. The Shelter thought she had cushings, because she drank more water than usual and her waist line was swollen. They also found she has arthritis in her spine. They tried to do an ultrasound to determine if she was spayed and instead found a huge mass in her stomach area. ABR didn’t care. We committed to giving this little girl the best home possible for her remaining years. After taking her to the Vet for an ultrasound to determine what the mass is, we were given some depressing but hopeful news. She has a very large liver mass and it is bleeding. The bleed is encapsulated in a hematoma, but it is urgent that she have surgery or she will bleed out. The vet says that with this surgery, she will be relatively healthy for a 10 year old girl. Removing the cantalope size mass will aleviate the stress on her organs, and reduce her weight dramatically. Also, she is anemic and malnourished, because the mass is preventing her organs from processing her food properly. Once the mass is removed, her body can return to normal function, and hopefully she will live for 3-5 more years. ABR is supporting the emergency surgery so that this sweet girl can have a wonderful rest of her life. If you are interested in becoming a Brittany Buddy, and helping Miss Sadie, please reference her name and ABR number on any donations you send. Update 10-30-18 Miss Sadie has survived her surgery and is recovering well. The surgery was pretty intense, and the vet staff were not certain she was going to pull through. Luckily she did and is feeling so much better. Sadie had her stitches out yesterday and a post op appointment. The result was really good. Her blood count needs to be watched for a few weeks, as it is a little low, but considering what she has gone through the Vet is not surprised. The next step for Sadie is to manage the arthritis in her spine. Her back end is a little weak, so she doesn’t have great control of her hind quarters on slick surfaces. She is getting stronger, though and enjoys her walks outdoors. Miss Sadie is a great communicator. She will tell you when she needs to go outside with a quick bark. She will tell you when she is hungry, and when she wants a treat. Otherwise, she is a quiet girl who is so happy to have a cozy place to curl up with her people. She loves to go for rides in the car, but if she must stay home, she is fine with that as well. She prefers not to have to be crated if left alone, and has proven herself to be quite responsible. Miss Sadie will be a wonderful companion to someone who wants a lovely senior girl with lots of personality.

Sadie - 20032145

Location: Sacramento, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 18, 2008 - Actual
Age: 16 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Sadie was found tied to the shelter door one morning, abandoned by her family. The shelter reached out to ABR and asked if we would be willing to take her. We said YES!! Her first night n Foster Care, Sadie was so tickled to be ‘out of jail’ that she bounced around the floor, played with Foster Mom’s small dog and loved on the Cats. She gets along with everyone, and is so sweet and gentle. She is fully housebroken, loves to sleep in bed with you, but understands what a crate is. She doesn’t chew or show any destructive behavior. She is an easy going, really sweet dog. The Shelter thought she had cushings, because she drank more water than usual and her waist line was swollen. They also found she has arthritis in her spine. They tried to do an ultrasound to determine if she was spayed and instead found a huge mass in her stomach area. ABR didn’t care. We committed to giving this little girl the best home possible for her remaining years. After taking her to the Vet for an ultrasound to determine what the mass is, we were given some depressing but hopeful news. She has a very large liver mass and it is bleeding. The bleed is encapsulated in a hematoma, but it is urgent that she have surgery or she will bleed out. The vet says that with this surgery, she will be relatively healthy for a 10 year old girl. Removing the cantalope size mass will aleviate the stress on her organs, and reduce her weight dramatically. Also, she is anemic and malnourished, because the mass is preventing her organs from processing her food properly. Once the mass is removed, her body can return to normal function, and hopefully she will live for 3-5 more years. ABR is supporting the emergency surgery so that this sweet girl can have a wonderful rest of her life. If you are interested in becoming a Brittany Buddy, and helping Miss Sadie, please reference her name and ABR number on any donations you send. Update 10-30-18 Miss Sadie has survived her surgery and is recovering well. The surgery was pretty intense, and the vet staff were not certain she was going to pull through. Luckily she did and is feeling so much better. Sadie had her stitches out yesterday and a post op appointment. The result was really good. Her blood count needs to be watched for a few weeks, as it is a little low, but considering what she has gone through the Vet is not surprised. The next step for Sadie is to manage the arthritis in her spine. Her back end is a little weak, so she doesn’t have great control of her hind quarters on slick surfaces. She is getting stronger, though and enjoys her walks outdoors. Miss Sadie is a great communicator. She will tell you when she needs to go outside with a quick bark. She will tell you when she is hungry, and when she wants a treat. Otherwise, she is a quiet girl who is so happy to have a cozy place to curl up with her people. She loves to go for rides in the car, but if she must stay home, she is fine with that as well. She prefers not to have to be crated if left alone, and has proven herself to be quite responsible. Miss Sadie will be a wonderful companion to someone who wants a lovely senior girl with lots of personality.