Location: Shorewood, Illinois Color: Liver and White Birthdate: November 19, 2011 - Actual Age: 13 Year, 2 Month Gender: Neutered Male
Crate Trained
OK with Dogs
Needs Fenced in Yard
5.17.17 Rexis one of three littermates coming into rescue on Saturday, 5/19/12. They were surrendered to a shelter/resuce as their breeder was closing down his program.
Rex will be going directly into foster care.
Rex - 20030835
Location: Shorewood, Illinois Color: Liver and White Birthdate: November 19, 2011 - Actual Age: 13 Year, 2 Month Gender: Neutered Male
Crate Trained
OK with Dogs
Needs Fenced in Yard
5.17.17 Rexis one of three littermates coming into rescue on Saturday, 5/19/12. They were surrendered to a shelter/resuce as their breeder was closing down his program.
Rex will be going directly into foster care.