Location: Salem, Ohio Color: Orange and White Birthdate: May 28, 2019 - Actual Age: 5 Year, 8 Month Gender: Neutered Male
House Broken
Crate Trained
Obedience Trained
OK with Dogs
Needs Fenced in Yard
Phoenix came into rescue tonight. Escape artist that family could not control. Supposedly escaped and went after a neighbor’s puppy. Got from Breeder in KY. Evaluating.
Phoenix - 20032570
Location: Salem, Ohio Color: Orange and White Birthdate: May 28, 2019 - Actual Age: 5 Year, 8 Month Gender: Neutered Male
House Broken
Crate Trained
Obedience Trained
OK with Dogs
Needs Fenced in Yard
Phoenix came into rescue tonight. Escape artist that family could not control. Supposedly escaped and went after a neighbor’s puppy. Got from Breeder in KY. Evaluating.