Petey - 20034876

Location: Santa Rosa, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 8, 2019 - Actual
Age: 5 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Petey is a very handsome French Brittany, whose orange coloring is so rich. He is smart, easy to train and a total cuddle bug. Petey loves his people, and anyone who will pet him. Petey, however, does get anxious with new things and new situations. He can be a worry wort, so to speak. He can exhibit a little separation anxiety but if crated, he settles down and rests well. Small children make Petey anxious. He would do best in a home with children over 8. Although he has been an only dog, Petey does really well with his foster siblings. He loves to play and run and wrestle with them. Petey was released to Rescue because his family had a baby, and although Petey did really well with the baby early on, once the baby started to get mobile, Petey became very anxious. It broke his family’s hearts to give him up, but it wasn’t good for Petey. If you think that Petey could be a good fit for your home, please complete the adoption application and reference Petie.

Petey - 20034876

Location: Santa Rosa, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 8, 2019 - Actual
Age: 5 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Petey is a very handsome French Brittany, whose orange coloring is so rich. He is smart, easy to train and a total cuddle bug. Petey loves his people, and anyone who will pet him. Petey, however, does get anxious with new things and new situations. He can be a worry wort, so to speak. He can exhibit a little separation anxiety but if crated, he settles down and rests well. Small children make Petey anxious. He would do best in a home with children over 8. Although he has been an only dog, Petey does really well with his foster siblings. He loves to play and run and wrestle with them. Petey was released to Rescue because his family had a baby, and although Petey did really well with the baby early on, once the baby started to get mobile, Petey became very anxious. It broke his family’s hearts to give him up, but it wasn’t good for Petey. If you think that Petey could be a good fit for your home, please complete the adoption application and reference Petie.