Obie nka Augie - 20031701

Location: Rome, Georgia
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 23, 2015 - Actual
Age: 9 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Obie was dumped along a country road in rural Tennessee. The family who lives nearby took him in, had him neutered and vaccinated but can’t keep him because they already have 4 dogs. Obie is full of energy, curious, friendly, loves to RUN! More as we get to know him. In ABR’s care as of 7.21.16 7.22.16 First impressions: he is in good shape. He has a bad habit of nibbling on people. Well really anything that strikes his fancy. I’m going to work to redirect that to a tug toy. My first impression of him is that he is a sweet young boy with no training but is pretty quick to pick things up. Seems pretty soft and stubborn. I don’t think he needs to go to a first time dog person. I think he will need someone with the will of Genghis Khan, the patience of St. Francis and the light hand of Mother Theresa. August 2016: foster noted something not quite right about Obie. He arrived in rescue heavily drugged. It took awhile for that to wear off and his issues to emerge. He appeared to have hearing and vision loss. Was seen by specialists he is all right, won’t get worse. May get better. Hit by car confirmed when foster took to vet when Obie began vomiting. The vet repaired a 4′ tear in Obie’s diaphragm (classic car accident injury), putting 2 feet of intestine back into the abdomen and spleen in chest cavity. Obie is a delightful doofus, charms everyone

Obie nka Augie - 20031701

Location: Rome, Georgia
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 23, 2015 - Actual
Age: 9 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Obie was dumped along a country road in rural Tennessee. The family who lives nearby took him in, had him neutered and vaccinated but can’t keep him because they already have 4 dogs. Obie is full of energy, curious, friendly, loves to RUN! More as we get to know him. In ABR’s care as of 7.21.16 7.22.16 First impressions: he is in good shape. He has a bad habit of nibbling on people. Well really anything that strikes his fancy. I’m going to work to redirect that to a tug toy. My first impression of him is that he is a sweet young boy with no training but is pretty quick to pick things up. Seems pretty soft and stubborn. I don’t think he needs to go to a first time dog person. I think he will need someone with the will of Genghis Khan, the patience of St. Francis and the light hand of Mother Theresa. August 2016: foster noted something not quite right about Obie. He arrived in rescue heavily drugged. It took awhile for that to wear off and his issues to emerge. He appeared to have hearing and vision loss. Was seen by specialists he is all right, won’t get worse. May get better. Hit by car confirmed when foster took to vet when Obie began vomiting. The vet repaired a 4′ tear in Obie’s diaphragm (classic car accident injury), putting 2 feet of intestine back into the abdomen and spleen in chest cavity. Obie is a delightful doofus, charms everyone