Nash - 20038656

Location: Parker, Texas
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 31, 2015 - Actual
Age: 8 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Male
Altered Date: June 27, 2024

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs

Foster Contact
Deb Davis

Please meet Nash, a very handsome 8 yr old Brittany with a great temperament! Nash is active, good natured and ready for a loving family.

Nash is extremely happy all the time. His tail never stops wagging and he’s really good with young children as well as other dogs small and large. Nash walks well on a leash and loves his one-mile walks in the morning. After he walks he alternates between playing with his foster siblngs, being a couch potato or just lying on the rug in his foster dad’s office.

Nash does know how to use a doggy door and will take himself out to play or for bathroom breaks. Nash loves ice cubes and belly scratches. Nash knows sit and lay down…especially if there is a treat involved. Nash has a curious nose that takes him places like digging through a trash can or counter surfing. Both areas we are working on.

It does take Nash a few minutes to settle down at bedtime and we do crate him at night. But once he settles in, he sleeps all night long. Nash does have separation anxiety as his prior owners worked from home, so someone was always around. The perfect home for Nash would be someone who is retired, or works from home and has at least 1 or 2 other dogs for him to play with and keep him company when you mus leave.

If you can picture Nash in your home with your family and other pets, then please complete the online application and mention his name and ID #. We would love to tell you more about him. Nash is UTD on his vaccines and is H/W negative and on preventative.


Nash is an owner surrender. His family has a small child an another on the way and felt Nash should have a better home life as they could see they would not have much time for him after their 2nd child was born.

Nash - 20038656

Location: Parker, Texas
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 31, 2015 - Actual
Age: 8 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Male
Altered Date: June 27, 2024

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs

Foster Contact
Deb Davis

Please meet Nash, a very handsome 8 yr old Brittany with a great temperament! Nash is active, good natured and ready for a loving family.

Nash is extremely happy all the time. His tail never stops wagging and he’s really good with young children as well as other dogs small and large. Nash walks well on a leash and loves his one-mile walks in the morning. After he walks he alternates between playing with his foster siblngs, being a couch potato or just lying on the rug in his foster dad’s office.

Nash does know how to use a doggy door and will take himself out to play or for bathroom breaks. Nash loves ice cubes and belly scratches. Nash knows sit and lay down…especially if there is a treat involved. Nash has a curious nose that takes him places like digging through a trash can or counter surfing. Both areas we are working on.

It does take Nash a few minutes to settle down at bedtime and we do crate him at night. But once he settles in, he sleeps all night long. Nash does have separation anxiety as his prior owners worked from home, so someone was always around. The perfect home for Nash would be someone who is retired, or works from home and has at least 1 or 2 other dogs for him to play with and keep him company when you mus leave.

If you can picture Nash in your home with your family and other pets, then please complete the online application and mention his name and ID #. We would love to tell you more about him. Nash is UTD on his vaccines and is H/W negative and on preventative.


Nash is an owner surrender. His family has a small child an another on the way and felt Nash should have a better home life as they could see they would not have much time for him after their 2nd child was born.