Maggie - 20038412

Location: Loon Lake, Washington
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: June 1, 2013 - Estimated
Age: 11 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard



Maggie’s Story: When Maggie was seven, her owner passed away. She was given to a pheasant hunting ranch and life there wasn’t very good. Other dogs beat her up, she developed severe arthritis which they didn’t take her to a vet for, and she didn’t get enough food. She came to us weak and sick with bronchitis. Getting her on an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory along with good feeding has made a world of difference for her. She runs, swims, chews on Nylabones, and plays with a ball now.

Maggie has learned to live inside again and is a love bug, she loves to be petted and cuddled, the actions that she has missed these last four years. She is completely potty trained and barks at the door when she needs to go out. She spent more years as an indoor dog than outside so she is a perfect little lady in the house. She is a bit reactive to other dogs at first but settled right in with my four. We don’t know about cats or kids. Birds would probably not fit with her as she is a trained hunting dog. Maggie will need to be on Carprofen for the rest of her life for her arthritis.

Maggie is a true rescue story from a not so good life. Will you be the one to give this sweet little girl the very best life for her remaining years?

Maggie - 20038412

Location: Loon Lake, Washington
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: June 1, 2013 - Estimated
Age: 11 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard



Maggie’s Story: When Maggie was seven, her owner passed away. She was given to a pheasant hunting ranch and life there wasn’t very good. Other dogs beat her up, she developed severe arthritis which they didn’t take her to a vet for, and she didn’t get enough food. She came to us weak and sick with bronchitis. Getting her on an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory along with good feeding has made a world of difference for her. She runs, swims, chews on Nylabones, and plays with a ball now.

Maggie has learned to live inside again and is a love bug, she loves to be petted and cuddled, the actions that she has missed these last four years. She is completely potty trained and barks at the door when she needs to go out. She spent more years as an indoor dog than outside so she is a perfect little lady in the house. She is a bit reactive to other dogs at first but settled right in with my four. We don’t know about cats or kids. Birds would probably not fit with her as she is a trained hunting dog. Maggie will need to be on Carprofen for the rest of her life for her arthritis.

Maggie is a true rescue story from a not so good life. Will you be the one to give this sweet little girl the very best life for her remaining years?