Lucy - 20035784

Location: Flowery Branch, Georgia
Color: Black and White
Birthdate: December 1, 2022 - Estimated
Age: 1 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Lucy came in and went to a foster to adopt home which has now turned into an adoption. Congratulatins, Lucy!

Lucy - 20035784

Location: Flowery Branch, Georgia
Color: Black and White
Birthdate: December 1, 2022 - Estimated
Age: 1 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Lucy came in and went to a foster to adopt home which has now turned into an adoption. Congratulatins, Lucy!