Linquinni - 20031910

Location: Sidney, Illinois
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 27, 2013 - Actual
Age: 10 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Linquinni Orange Luigi, better known as Linquinni Pasta Pup, is a wonderful, sweet goof ball who is looking for his forever home. He is an affectionate guy who is very generous with his Brittany kisses. Linquinni has never met a stranger, everyone is a potential playmate or cuddle buddy. He very social, is great with other dogs and likes meeting new people. He has fit seamlessly into our home since day one. He loves romping in the yard, but would rather be cuddled up next to you more than anything. He will do best with a fenced yard to exercise those Brittany legs. This boy needs be included in an active family’s day to day life. He craves and thrives on human companionship. He is one of those Britts who would crawl inside your shirt just to be as close to you as possible. Please, no long distance or sight unseen adoptions for Linquinni. We feel it is important that all family members (human and canine) meet to assure that we have a good fit. Linquinni is a sweet dog and a wonderful Brit who is anxious for your forever love and companionship. If you would like more information on this wonderful guy complete the adoption application Linquinni was an owner surrender to ABR. His human Dad passed away and the Mom could no longer care for him. She made the hard decision to surrender him into our foster care program. Our boy is neutered, is current on all vaccinations, Heart Worm negative and on Heart Worm Preventative. He is also microchipped. Now all he needs is wonderful forever home to call his own.

Linquinni - 20031910

Location: Sidney, Illinois
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 27, 2013 - Actual
Age: 10 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Linquinni Orange Luigi, better known as Linquinni Pasta Pup, is a wonderful, sweet goof ball who is looking for his forever home. He is an affectionate guy who is very generous with his Brittany kisses. Linquinni has never met a stranger, everyone is a potential playmate or cuddle buddy. He very social, is great with other dogs and likes meeting new people. He has fit seamlessly into our home since day one. He loves romping in the yard, but would rather be cuddled up next to you more than anything. He will do best with a fenced yard to exercise those Brittany legs. This boy needs be included in an active family’s day to day life. He craves and thrives on human companionship. He is one of those Britts who would crawl inside your shirt just to be as close to you as possible. Please, no long distance or sight unseen adoptions for Linquinni. We feel it is important that all family members (human and canine) meet to assure that we have a good fit. Linquinni is a sweet dog and a wonderful Brit who is anxious for your forever love and companionship. If you would like more information on this wonderful guy complete the adoption application Linquinni was an owner surrender to ABR. His human Dad passed away and the Mom could no longer care for him. She made the hard decision to surrender him into our foster care program. Our boy is neutered, is current on all vaccinations, Heart Worm negative and on Heart Worm Preventative. He is also microchipped. Now all he needs is wonderful forever home to call his own.