Liam - 20031082

Location: Avon, Indiana
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: July 9, 2011 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Say hello to Liam! Liam stole my heart the first day he arrived. He is a true sweet heart anda very active Brittany, constantly on the go.A fenced in yard is a must with this high energy guy. He also loves.LOVES playing ball! He will fetch and retrieve almost to hand.Liam plays verywell with the two resident dogs. Actually Liam plays with the Jack,the residentBrittany, and learned the first day to stay away from my senior girl (she can get a little grouchy at times). Liam is completely house broken and very smart. He learned to use the doggie door in two days and fell right into our routine within a couple ofdays. He kennels very well at night but is free to roam the kitchen and fenced in yard during the day while I’m at work. Liam is also very birdie but has never been trained to hunt. I believe with the right training Liam would be a fantastic hunter. I will be taking Liam out shortlyto see if he isgun shy and see what he does around birds. Liam is a true gem and is almost the perfect dog. His onlydown side (if you want tocall it that) is he counter surfs and begs at the dinner table. Also, as with any young Brittany, if he gets bored he will chew. Keeping cow hoofs, antlers and tennis balls around seems to keep him occupied for the most part. The best home for this wonderful guy is a home that is very active and has another semitoextremelyactive dog Liam can buddy up with. I would love to see him placed in a home that would develop his hunting ability but would be happy to place him in a home that would keep him active and busy. If you feel this is the right guy for you and your family please fill out the adoption application and I’ll letLiam know someoneis out there tolove him forever! History: Liam was owner surrender. Liam was purchased from a breeder that breeds specifically for hunting. Liam was very loved by his previous owner however due to his very busy work schedule and Liam being very active, he felt like Liam was not getting the attention needed so he made the very hard decision to surrender him to ARB

Liam - 20031082

Location: Avon, Indiana
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: July 9, 2011 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Say hello to Liam! Liam stole my heart the first day he arrived. He is a true sweet heart anda very active Brittany, constantly on the go.A fenced in yard is a must with this high energy guy. He also loves.LOVES playing ball! He will fetch and retrieve almost to hand.Liam plays verywell with the two resident dogs. Actually Liam plays with the Jack,the residentBrittany, and learned the first day to stay away from my senior girl (she can get a little grouchy at times). Liam is completely house broken and very smart. He learned to use the doggie door in two days and fell right into our routine within a couple ofdays. He kennels very well at night but is free to roam the kitchen and fenced in yard during the day while I’m at work. Liam is also very birdie but has never been trained to hunt. I believe with the right training Liam would be a fantastic hunter. I will be taking Liam out shortlyto see if he isgun shy and see what he does around birds. Liam is a true gem and is almost the perfect dog. His onlydown side (if you want tocall it that) is he counter surfs and begs at the dinner table. Also, as with any young Brittany, if he gets bored he will chew. Keeping cow hoofs, antlers and tennis balls around seems to keep him occupied for the most part. The best home for this wonderful guy is a home that is very active and has another semitoextremelyactive dog Liam can buddy up with. I would love to see him placed in a home that would develop his hunting ability but would be happy to place him in a home that would keep him active and busy. If you feel this is the right guy for you and your family please fill out the adoption application and I’ll letLiam know someoneis out there tolove him forever! History: Liam was owner surrender. Liam was purchased from a breeder that breeds specifically for hunting. Liam was very loved by his previous owner however due to his very busy work schedule and Liam being very active, he felt like Liam was not getting the attention needed so he made the very hard decision to surrender him to ARB