Kalli - 20032067

Location: Garden City, New York
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 3, 2017 - Actual
Age: 7 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Female
Altered Date: August 16, 2018

  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


If you’re reading this, you’re looking for a canine companion and I fit the bill since I’m a VERY, VERY ACTIVE PUPPY who needs human companionship. Just a short time ago I was caged most of the day. But luckily now I’m in a foster home with 2 Brittanys to keep me company, a crate and bed of my own, toys and human companionship. The humans talk to me, teach me stuff, tell me NO sometimes (actually lots of times) and tell me I’m a good girl when I follow the rules. They also provide good food and best of all they cuddle me and give me belly rubs. Life is GOOD!! Since the foster humans already have two Brittanys we hope that one of you will want to adopt me. My foster family says I came to them with NO skills. I have already learned to use the magnetic doggie door! I’m not great on the leash so I need to practice that. I’m NOT protective of my food bowl which is good. I’ve learned to play nicely with the resident Britts- 2 female’s ages 8 and 7. I’m learning that toys are for chewing but human hands or shoes are not. My biggest problem is garbage picking, eating paper (I love tissues) and money (Mostly 10’S and 20’S) and counter/table surfing. I’m learning that NO means I should stop doing what I’m doing. I’m learning that I should use the bathroom in the yard and not on a rug. There’s still a lot to learn but my foster family says I’m smart and a fast learner. They say I’m a youngster and that I turned 1 Year old in September. I’m very good looking girl with light orange markings and very distinctive eyes. My tail is docked and my foster says they can see the beginnings of feathering on my butt and tail. I’m going to be a really beautiful adult. I like it here but I want a family to call my own, a family that will love me and cherish me and I can love, cherish, protect, and entertain in return. Now just a few thoughts from my foster mom and dad who say no and dispenses the foods and belly rubs As Kalli learns to trust, she is becoming sweeter and sweeter. She’s very active as befits her age and breed so she will need regular walks and a fenced in yard where he can run around and explore. She hasn’t tried to climb over or dig under the fence (BUT HAS DUG HOLES). She adores playing with my 2 Brittanys , especially my alpha female (but Kalli can get to be too much sometimes) and it is allowing her to be properly socialized as they put her in her place when she gets too rough. She would enjoy all the attention an only dog gets but she’d benefit from the companionship of another dog. She is jealous when others get attention. She will also benefit from having toys that are for strong chewers. When she gets nippy, we’ve been able to distract her with toys. This is a behavior that they outgrow as they mature and have proper training. We have crate trained her and she doesn’t seem to mind being crated, but really lets you know when she wants out. She also loves her treats. We are currently working on the sit command and she’s making quick progress because she loves treats, even the healthy kind like cucumber slices. Obviously I (all of us at ABR) hope that our foster dogs find great homes but in this case my hope is really strong. We truly believe we have saved this pup. She’s not perfect but she wants to please and is visibly happy when she gets praised. You must be considerate enough to know Kalli would not be happy or thrive being crated for 8 hours a day, she does sleep in her crate but that is to keep the house in one piece overnight. The main reason why Kalli wouldn’t be happy crated up is because she is very active and loves being around people. So Kalli really needs a home where she will be exercised every day, preferably taken for runs or long fast walks and she needs either a work from home situation or someone who only works away from home part-time. While she loves everyone, if you’ve got children they need to be older, 10 yrs. and up, because when she gets excited she jumps and she would hate to hurt a child who can’t deal with that. Also, having another dog to play with would be the best! Just make sure he/she is tolerant because, according to her foster sisters, she can be a real pest trying to get another dog to play with her. And she also will steal their toys, so he/she has got to be okay with that. Cats are NOT friends Kalli needs a home with NO cats. She also will need a good, strong, secure fence. She won’t jump it but will run up to it and smack it really hard when she sees a bird or squirrel that she wants. Please note she does like to dig so will need someone willing to watch her when she is in the yard. Beyond that she is a very attentive, affectionate, not too sensitive Brittany girl. She is spayed, crate trained, healthy and heartworm negative. She knows some basic commands but would benefit from an obedience class. She would be really good at agility so if you like working with dogs Kalli’s got the energy. And smarts for it! Just be sure to use positive reinforcement because Kalli thinks any other correction is playing. We think her former owner used a little strong negative corrections and she would just puppy laugh it off. Everything is play, fetch and run around with Kalli. If you are interested and would like to be considered for Kalli please to fill out the adoption application Kalli was an owner surrender, an older couple contacted ABR, after their family situation changed and realized they could not handle this WHIRLWIND Brittany Puppy.

Kalli - 20032067

Location: Garden City, New York
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 3, 2017 - Actual
Age: 7 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Female
Altered Date: August 16, 2018

  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


If you’re reading this, you’re looking for a canine companion and I fit the bill since I’m a VERY, VERY ACTIVE PUPPY who needs human companionship. Just a short time ago I was caged most of the day. But luckily now I’m in a foster home with 2 Brittanys to keep me company, a crate and bed of my own, toys and human companionship. The humans talk to me, teach me stuff, tell me NO sometimes (actually lots of times) and tell me I’m a good girl when I follow the rules. They also provide good food and best of all they cuddle me and give me belly rubs. Life is GOOD!! Since the foster humans already have two Brittanys we hope that one of you will want to adopt me. My foster family says I came to them with NO skills. I have already learned to use the magnetic doggie door! I’m not great on the leash so I need to practice that. I’m NOT protective of my food bowl which is good. I’ve learned to play nicely with the resident Britts- 2 female’s ages 8 and 7. I’m learning that toys are for chewing but human hands or shoes are not. My biggest problem is garbage picking, eating paper (I love tissues) and money (Mostly 10’S and 20’S) and counter/table surfing. I’m learning that NO means I should stop doing what I’m doing. I’m learning that I should use the bathroom in the yard and not on a rug. There’s still a lot to learn but my foster family says I’m smart and a fast learner. They say I’m a youngster and that I turned 1 Year old in September. I’m very good looking girl with light orange markings and very distinctive eyes. My tail is docked and my foster says they can see the beginnings of feathering on my butt and tail. I’m going to be a really beautiful adult. I like it here but I want a family to call my own, a family that will love me and cherish me and I can love, cherish, protect, and entertain in return. Now just a few thoughts from my foster mom and dad who say no and dispenses the foods and belly rubs As Kalli learns to trust, she is becoming sweeter and sweeter. She’s very active as befits her age and breed so she will need regular walks and a fenced in yard where he can run around and explore. She hasn’t tried to climb over or dig under the fence (BUT HAS DUG HOLES). She adores playing with my 2 Brittanys , especially my alpha female (but Kalli can get to be too much sometimes) and it is allowing her to be properly socialized as they put her in her place when she gets too rough. She would enjoy all the attention an only dog gets but she’d benefit from the companionship of another dog. She is jealous when others get attention. She will also benefit from having toys that are for strong chewers. When she gets nippy, we’ve been able to distract her with toys. This is a behavior that they outgrow as they mature and have proper training. We have crate trained her and she doesn’t seem to mind being crated, but really lets you know when she wants out. She also loves her treats. We are currently working on the sit command and she’s making quick progress because she loves treats, even the healthy kind like cucumber slices. Obviously I (all of us at ABR) hope that our foster dogs find great homes but in this case my hope is really strong. We truly believe we have saved this pup. She’s not perfect but she wants to please and is visibly happy when she gets praised. You must be considerate enough to know Kalli would not be happy or thrive being crated for 8 hours a day, she does sleep in her crate but that is to keep the house in one piece overnight. The main reason why Kalli wouldn’t be happy crated up is because she is very active and loves being around people. So Kalli really needs a home where she will be exercised every day, preferably taken for runs or long fast walks and she needs either a work from home situation or someone who only works away from home part-time. While she loves everyone, if you’ve got children they need to be older, 10 yrs. and up, because when she gets excited she jumps and she would hate to hurt a child who can’t deal with that. Also, having another dog to play with would be the best! Just make sure he/she is tolerant because, according to her foster sisters, she can be a real pest trying to get another dog to play with her. And she also will steal their toys, so he/she has got to be okay with that. Cats are NOT friends Kalli needs a home with NO cats. She also will need a good, strong, secure fence. She won’t jump it but will run up to it and smack it really hard when she sees a bird or squirrel that she wants. Please note she does like to dig so will need someone willing to watch her when she is in the yard. Beyond that she is a very attentive, affectionate, not too sensitive Brittany girl. She is spayed, crate trained, healthy and heartworm negative. She knows some basic commands but would benefit from an obedience class. She would be really good at agility so if you like working with dogs Kalli’s got the energy. And smarts for it! Just be sure to use positive reinforcement because Kalli thinks any other correction is playing. We think her former owner used a little strong negative corrections and she would just puppy laugh it off. Everything is play, fetch and run around with Kalli. If you are interested and would like to be considered for Kalli please to fill out the adoption application Kalli was an owner surrender, an older couple contacted ABR, after their family situation changed and realized they could not handle this WHIRLWIND Brittany Puppy.