Dog Story:
Hello future family!! If you’re reading this, you’re looking for a canine companion and I fit the bill since I’m a canine who needs a human companion. Just a short time ago I was on the chain gang- tied out in a yard with no adequate food, water, shelter. It has been a really hot and stormy summer so obviously it has been tough to be an outside dog. But luckily now I’m in a foster home with 3 Brittanys to keep me company, a crate and bed of my own, toys and a human companion. The human talks to me, teaches me stuff, tells me NO sometimes (actually lots of times) and tells me I’m a good boy when I follow the rules. She also provides good food and best of all she cuddles me and gives me belly rubs. Life is GOOD as an inside dog!! Since the foster human already has three we hope that one of you will want to adopt me.
Foster mom says I came to her with no skills. I have already learned to use the doggie door! I’m not great on the leash (flashback to the chain gang I guess) so I need to practice that. I’m also protective of my food bowl which is probably also a result of being on the chain gang and experiencing grocery deprivation. I’ve learned to play nicely with the resident Britts- 2 females ages 8 and 7 and a 2 year old male. I’m learning that toys are for chewing but human hands or shoes are not. I’m learning that NO means I should stop doing what I’m doing. I’m learning that I should use the bathroom in the yard and not on a rug. There’s still a lot to learn but the foster mom says I’m smart and a fast learner. She says I’m a youngster and the vet guesses my age to be 6 to 8 months. I’m very handsome with light orange markings and very distinctive eyes. My tail is long and foster mom says she can see the beginnings of feathering on my butt and tail. She thinks I’m going to be a really handsome adult. I like it here but I want a family to call my own, a family that will love me and cherish me and I can love, cherish, protect, and entertain in return.
Now just a few thoughts from the one who says no and dispenses the foods and belly rubs As he learns to trust, Johnny is becoming sweeter and sweeter. He’s very active as befits his age and breed so he will need regular walks and a fenced in yard where he can run around and explore. He hasn’t tried to climb over or dig under my fence. He adores playing with my 3, especially my male and it is allowing him to be properly socialized as they put him in his place when he gets too rough. He would enjoy all the attention an only dog gets but he’d benefit from the companionship of another dog. He will also benefit from having toys that are for strong chewers. When he gets nippy, I’ve been able to distract him with toys. This is a behavior that they outgrow as they mature and have proper training. I am crate training him and he doesn’t seem to mind being crated. He also loves his treats. We are currently working on the sit command and he’s making quick progress because he loves treats, even the healthy kind like cucumber slices. Obviously I (all of us at ABR) hope that our foster dogs find great homes but in this case my hope is really strong. I truly believe we have saved this pup from an awful future life. He’s not perfect but he wants to please and is visibly happy when he gets praised.
A neighbor helped to get Johnny to ABR, after being passed around, mistreated and not taken care of by anyone he got passed on to. We don’t even know if he had ever been to a vet. ABR is taking care of getting him updated on all vaccinations and he has been neutered as well.
Dog Story:
Hello future family!! If you’re reading this, you’re looking for a canine companion and I fit the bill since I’m a canine who needs a human companion. Just a short time ago I was on the chain gang- tied out in a yard with no adequate food, water, shelter. It has been a really hot and stormy summer so obviously it has been tough to be an outside dog. But luckily now I’m in a foster home with 3 Brittanys to keep me company, a crate and bed of my own, toys and a human companion. The human talks to me, teaches me stuff, tells me NO sometimes (actually lots of times) and tells me I’m a good boy when I follow the rules. She also provides good food and best of all she cuddles me and gives me belly rubs. Life is GOOD as an inside dog!! Since the foster human already has three we hope that one of you will want to adopt me.
Foster mom says I came to her with no skills. I have already learned to use the doggie door! I’m not great on the leash (flashback to the chain gang I guess) so I need to practice that. I’m also protective of my food bowl which is probably also a result of being on the chain gang and experiencing grocery deprivation. I’ve learned to play nicely with the resident Britts- 2 females ages 8 and 7 and a 2 year old male. I’m learning that toys are for chewing but human hands or shoes are not. I’m learning that NO means I should stop doing what I’m doing. I’m learning that I should use the bathroom in the yard and not on a rug. There’s still a lot to learn but the foster mom says I’m smart and a fast learner. She says I’m a youngster and the vet guesses my age to be 6 to 8 months. I’m very handsome with light orange markings and very distinctive eyes. My tail is long and foster mom says she can see the beginnings of feathering on my butt and tail. She thinks I’m going to be a really handsome adult. I like it here but I want a family to call my own, a family that will love me and cherish me and I can love, cherish, protect, and entertain in return.
Now just a few thoughts from the one who says no and dispenses the foods and belly rubs As he learns to trust, Johnny is becoming sweeter and sweeter. He’s very active as befits his age and breed so he will need regular walks and a fenced in yard where he can run around and explore. He hasn’t tried to climb over or dig under my fence. He adores playing with my 3, especially my male and it is allowing him to be properly socialized as they put him in his place when he gets too rough. He would enjoy all the attention an only dog gets but he’d benefit from the companionship of another dog. He will also benefit from having toys that are for strong chewers. When he gets nippy, I’ve been able to distract him with toys. This is a behavior that they outgrow as they mature and have proper training. I am crate training him and he doesn’t seem to mind being crated. He also loves his treats. We are currently working on the sit command and he’s making quick progress because he loves treats, even the healthy kind like cucumber slices. Obviously I (all of us at ABR) hope that our foster dogs find great homes but in this case my hope is really strong. I truly believe we have saved this pup from an awful future life. He’s not perfect but he wants to please and is visibly happy when he gets praised.
A neighbor helped to get Johnny to ABR, after being passed around, mistreated and not taken care of by anyone he got passed on to. We don’t even know if he had ever been to a vet. ABR is taking care of getting him updated on all vaccinations and he has been neutered as well.