Jentry - 20037919

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: December 11, 2016 - Actual
Age: 7 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Jentry came in this last week…needs vetting/spayed and figuring out what she wants or requires.

Jentry - 20037919

Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: December 11, 2016 - Actual
Age: 7 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Jentry came in this last week…needs vetting/spayed and figuring out what she wants or requires.