Izzy - 20034963

Location: Bennett, Colorado
Color: Liver Roan
Birthdate: January 15, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 7 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Hi everyone. I’m Izzy. I am a very sweet, fun, beautiful and motivated girl. For a treat or meal that is. I have the best hind leg dance when I am looking to get snack or some lovin’s.I have pretty good manners inside the house. I occasionally will counter surf if I think I can add to my belly. I will let you now when I need to go out.I enjoy my outside time, but like it better when my human family goes out with me. I really enjoy any activity better with my people.Please give my foster family a call if you would like to visit me or learn more about me and you become a family.After spending time with my foster family, we feel I may feel more comfortable as the only furbaby. I’m ok with other dogs, but would be truly happiest with all the attention on me.

Izzy - 20034963

Location: Bennett, Colorado
Color: Liver Roan
Birthdate: January 15, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 7 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Hi everyone. I’m Izzy. I am a very sweet, fun, beautiful and motivated girl. For a treat or meal that is. I have the best hind leg dance when I am looking to get snack or some lovin’s.I have pretty good manners inside the house. I occasionally will counter surf if I think I can add to my belly. I will let you now when I need to go out.I enjoy my outside time, but like it better when my human family goes out with me. I really enjoy any activity better with my people.Please give my foster family a call if you would like to visit me or learn more about me and you become a family.After spending time with my foster family, we feel I may feel more comfortable as the only furbaby. I’m ok with other dogs, but would be truly happiest with all the attention on me.