Holly - 20032460

Location: Davis, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 11, 2020 - Actual
Age: 4 Year, 10 Month
Gender: Female

  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Holly is a beautiful orange and white puppy. Holly’s front elbow is dislocated, and after manipulation, her vet could not get it to reset. The recommendation is surgery or amputation, so the Breeder reached out to ABR for help.Holly will be seen by UC Davis to formulate a plan of action.

Holly - 20032460

Location: Davis, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 11, 2020 - Actual
Age: 4 Year, 10 Month
Gender: Female

  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Holly is a beautiful orange and white puppy. Holly’s front elbow is dislocated, and after manipulation, her vet could not get it to reset. The recommendation is surgery or amputation, so the Breeder reached out to ABR for help.Holly will be seen by UC Davis to formulate a plan of action.