Glory - 20030894

Location: Bakersfield, California
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: August 11, 2011 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 0 Month
Gender: Female
Altered Date: August 31, 2012

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Glory is a 1-2 year old liver_white Brittany/Pointer mix with full tail. She was a stray in a neighborhood in Bakersfield, microchipped to owners who never responded. Glory weighs 45 pounds, needs vet exam, shots, HW/fecal and check to see if already spayed. She will probably move to a new foster to adopt home next week and will update with more info.

Glory - 20030894

Location: Bakersfield, California
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: August 11, 2011 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 0 Month
Gender: Female
Altered Date: August 31, 2012

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Glory is a 1-2 year old liver_white Brittany/Pointer mix with full tail. She was a stray in a neighborhood in Bakersfield, microchipped to owners who never responded. Glory weighs 45 pounds, needs vet exam, shots, HW/fecal and check to see if already spayed. She will probably move to a new foster to adopt home next week and will update with more info.