Location: Ellensburg, Washington Color: Black and White Birthdate: July 19, 2015 - Actual Age: 9 Year, 6 Month Gender: Neutered Male
House Broken
Crate Trained
OK with Dogs
Needs Fenced in Yard
Jake is a 4 year old French Brittany from Serbia. He’s very easy going, gets along with all dogs and people. Was at the shelter in Serbia for close to a year before being brought to the US.
Dzeki (Jake) - 20032313
Location: Ellensburg, Washington Color: Black and White Birthdate: July 19, 2015 - Actual Age: 9 Year, 6 Month Gender: Neutered Male
House Broken
Crate Trained
OK with Dogs
Needs Fenced in Yard
Jake is a 4 year old French Brittany from Serbia. He’s very easy going, gets along with all dogs and people. Was at the shelter in Serbia for close to a year before being brought to the US.