Duncan - 20030414

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: January 29, 2010 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 7 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: October 1, 2010

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: This is Duncan -or as the ladies at the vet office call him -Dunk. He is a typical eight month-old puppy that has only just grown into his ears. He is not going to be very large when he is all grown up. He loves to chase around the yard and play with his big foster brother, Reggie. When Duncan first arrived in his foster home, he was diagnosed with a serious viral infection and spent four days at the vet office with IV’s in his leg. He never tried to pull them out and didn’t even need to wear a ‘conehead collar’.Duncan’s vet bills are fairly large and he could use a Brittany Buddy to help pay for the expenses. Duncan is now back home and seems to be back to his old puppy-self. When not running around the yard likes to sit on your lap and nap, he is very calm for his age.If you are interested in adopting Duncan, please complete the online adoption application and mention his Duncan-2803. If you want any more info on him, just call his foster dad and he will be happy to talk to you. Duncan was found as a stray by a local shelter and they surrendered him to ABR. He became sick the day after we got him, spent his time at the vet office, andis now back with his foster dad and foster brothers.

Duncan - 20030414

Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: January 29, 2010 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 7 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: October 1, 2010

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: This is Duncan -or as the ladies at the vet office call him -Dunk. He is a typical eight month-old puppy that has only just grown into his ears. He is not going to be very large when he is all grown up. He loves to chase around the yard and play with his big foster brother, Reggie. When Duncan first arrived in his foster home, he was diagnosed with a serious viral infection and spent four days at the vet office with IV’s in his leg. He never tried to pull them out and didn’t even need to wear a ‘conehead collar’.Duncan’s vet bills are fairly large and he could use a Brittany Buddy to help pay for the expenses. Duncan is now back home and seems to be back to his old puppy-self. When not running around the yard likes to sit on your lap and nap, he is very calm for his age.If you are interested in adopting Duncan, please complete the online adoption application and mention his Duncan-2803. If you want any more info on him, just call his foster dad and he will be happy to talk to you. Duncan was found as a stray by a local shelter and they surrendered him to ABR. He became sick the day after we got him, spent his time at the vet office, andis now back with his foster dad and foster brothers.