Duffy - 20031036

Location: Fairfax, Virginia
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 26, 2012 - Actual
Age: 12 Year, 10 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs


Dog Story: Greetings from Duffy’s foster mom! Duffy is a gorgeous, 2yo girl with lots of energy and love! She came to us as an owner surrender due to her high activity level. She is also typically Brittany smart and built a reputation as an attempted escape artist. Since she came to us and got on a regular exercise program, she’s been much less anxious to run away. So Duffy will do well with an active person or family willing to give her the work out that her body and mind need. She would be a great running companion or agility dog- she is super fast. Duffy has been spayed and we thought she was incontinent as many females become after spaying. We were giving her Proin for that condition but continued episodes of peeing in her sleep led us to investigate further. We found that she has diabetes insipidus- this is a condition characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine, with reduction water intake having no effect on the concentration of the urine (this is a hormonal condition, versus diabetes mellitus that relates to high blood sugar). In other words, she was drinking a ton of water and not able to hold her bladder while she was sleeping. We now have her on Desmopressin (to replace the missing hormone) and she is doing wonderfully! This condition appears to have little effect on her otherwise- she has proven to be very healthy and as I said, extremely active as young Brittanys are. Duffy is great with other dogs- she LOVES to play so another young, playful dog in the family would be a nice bonus for her. She also appears to be good with cats- we do not have a cat but we’ve run across several and she’s never tried to harm them. Duffy has been amazing with our 2yo toddler as well- he will pull her ears and lay on top of her and she doesn’t flinch- she is really terrific with kids. I can’t say enough positive things about this lovely girl- she is truly a sweetheart!! If we didn’t have such a full house already, we seriously would keep her for ourselves. Duffy is truly special and will make a wonderful family member. Duffy’s family surrendered her to ABR because they did not have time to provide her with the time and activity that she needed.

Duffy - 20031036

Location: Fairfax, Virginia
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 26, 2012 - Actual
Age: 12 Year, 10 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs


Dog Story: Greetings from Duffy’s foster mom! Duffy is a gorgeous, 2yo girl with lots of energy and love! She came to us as an owner surrender due to her high activity level. She is also typically Brittany smart and built a reputation as an attempted escape artist. Since she came to us and got on a regular exercise program, she’s been much less anxious to run away. So Duffy will do well with an active person or family willing to give her the work out that her body and mind need. She would be a great running companion or agility dog- she is super fast. Duffy has been spayed and we thought she was incontinent as many females become after spaying. We were giving her Proin for that condition but continued episodes of peeing in her sleep led us to investigate further. We found that she has diabetes insipidus- this is a condition characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine, with reduction water intake having no effect on the concentration of the urine (this is a hormonal condition, versus diabetes mellitus that relates to high blood sugar). In other words, she was drinking a ton of water and not able to hold her bladder while she was sleeping. We now have her on Desmopressin (to replace the missing hormone) and she is doing wonderfully! This condition appears to have little effect on her otherwise- she has proven to be very healthy and as I said, extremely active as young Brittanys are. Duffy is great with other dogs- she LOVES to play so another young, playful dog in the family would be a nice bonus for her. She also appears to be good with cats- we do not have a cat but we’ve run across several and she’s never tried to harm them. Duffy has been amazing with our 2yo toddler as well- he will pull her ears and lay on top of her and she doesn’t flinch- she is really terrific with kids. I can’t say enough positive things about this lovely girl- she is truly a sweetheart!! If we didn’t have such a full house already, we seriously would keep her for ourselves. Duffy is truly special and will make a wonderful family member. Duffy’s family surrendered her to ABR because they did not have time to provide her with the time and activity that she needed.