Copper - 20032562

Location: Los Angeles, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 21, 2017 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hi everyone! My name is Copper, and I’m looking for my forever home! I’m 3 years old, and surprised my foster family with my size, as I weigh in at just around 62 pounds! I was surrendered by my previous family because they were moving to a smaller apartment, and could not meet my needs. I spent most of my time living in a kennel in their backyard, but I’m perfectly house trained as well.I benefit a lot from exercise, and am slowly building up to longer and farther walks and runs. My foster mom is working on leash training, as I love to pull when I see cats and birds or when I smell trash on the sidewalk. Going on walks makes me much more mellow in the house, where I spend most of my time napping in my crate or bed, asking for scratches from my fosters, or destroying my toys. Occasionally, when I get the “zoomies,” my energy level escalates very fast and it can turn into rough play, so I need an owner who is prepared to help me redirect some of this energy! My previous owner mentioned that I resource guard, but my foster family has not witnessed this yet. My foster mom does say I can get stubborn sometimes, especially when I don’t want to come inside after a walk!I would best prefer a house with a backyard and a secure fence as I love being outside watching the birds. I have taken a long time to be comfortable with the other household dog, and would like to be introduced to anypotential “roommates” prior to deciding on my new family.I am adorable, and I love to learn new things.But I do need my exercise. What I love the most about my foster mom is that she takes me for runs and walks and I am not left in the back yard by myself any more. I didn’t like being by myself, so I try really hard to be a good boy.

Copper - 20032562

Location: Los Angeles, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 21, 2017 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 8 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hi everyone! My name is Copper, and I’m looking for my forever home! I’m 3 years old, and surprised my foster family with my size, as I weigh in at just around 62 pounds! I was surrendered by my previous family because they were moving to a smaller apartment, and could not meet my needs. I spent most of my time living in a kennel in their backyard, but I’m perfectly house trained as well.I benefit a lot from exercise, and am slowly building up to longer and farther walks and runs. My foster mom is working on leash training, as I love to pull when I see cats and birds or when I smell trash on the sidewalk. Going on walks makes me much more mellow in the house, where I spend most of my time napping in my crate or bed, asking for scratches from my fosters, or destroying my toys. Occasionally, when I get the “zoomies,” my energy level escalates very fast and it can turn into rough play, so I need an owner who is prepared to help me redirect some of this energy! My previous owner mentioned that I resource guard, but my foster family has not witnessed this yet. My foster mom does say I can get stubborn sometimes, especially when I don’t want to come inside after a walk!I would best prefer a house with a backyard and a secure fence as I love being outside watching the birds. I have taken a long time to be comfortable with the other household dog, and would like to be introduced to anypotential “roommates” prior to deciding on my new family.I am adorable, and I love to learn new things.But I do need my exercise. What I love the most about my foster mom is that she takes me for runs and walks and I am not left in the back yard by myself any more. I didn’t like being by myself, so I try really hard to be a good boy.