Copper - 20032381

Location: Clarksdale, Arizona
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 4, 2009 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Copper is a sweet old boy with plenty of energy and love to give! He was well loved all his life until his owner passed away and his family was unable to give Copper a proper Brittany home. He loves romping in the yard and going for walks. If you would like to give this boy a warm bed, snuggles and treats, please fill out the adoption application and mention Copper.

Copper - 20032381

Location: Clarksdale, Arizona
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 4, 2009 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Copper is a sweet old boy with plenty of energy and love to give! He was well loved all his life until his owner passed away and his family was unable to give Copper a proper Brittany home. He loves romping in the yard and going for walks. If you would like to give this boy a warm bed, snuggles and treats, please fill out the adoption application and mention Copper.