Chippy - 20031726

Location: Humeston, Iowa
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 29, 2009 - Actual
Age: 15 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hi, My name’s Chippy and I’m 7 years old. Three years ago I was a stray, but was adopted by a wonderful family. I had a great home, but my adopted dad died and my adopted mom moved and couldn’t take me with her. I like it here with my ABR foster family, but they say I deserve another permanent home. (I’ve heard them say I am a great dog). I have 5 dogs here that I can play with, and I am accepted by two cats, but I avoid the other cat because she doesn’t like any dogs. I also like stalking and pointing the chickens here, but that’s just because they are birds. I can sit and stay when asked, and I will come when my name is called. I can also use a doggy door and will fetch toys if you throw them. I am housebroken, I walk pretty well on a leash (without pulling), and I do not rush the door when people come in or go out. I will bark, but only if I have someone to bark with, and I’d love to sing with you. I really like going for walks and enjoy going to the local dog park. If you do not want me on furniture, just tell me and I will get down. I also kennel easily, but really there is no need. If you just ask, I’m sure my foster family would bring me to meet you. Hoping to hear from you soon, Chippy Foster dad here! Chippy is a joy to have as a foster. He is telling you the truth about his personality! Chippy is up to date on his vaccines, micro-chipped, heartworm negative and on preventative. If you are interested in this fabulous boy, please fill out the adoption application and mention his name and ID#. Chippy is an owner surrender as stated above an due to a death in the family and a move that will not accept dogs, we were contacted to take him in,

Chippy - 20031726

Location: Humeston, Iowa
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 29, 2009 - Actual
Age: 15 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hi, My name’s Chippy and I’m 7 years old. Three years ago I was a stray, but was adopted by a wonderful family. I had a great home, but my adopted dad died and my adopted mom moved and couldn’t take me with her. I like it here with my ABR foster family, but they say I deserve another permanent home. (I’ve heard them say I am a great dog). I have 5 dogs here that I can play with, and I am accepted by two cats, but I avoid the other cat because she doesn’t like any dogs. I also like stalking and pointing the chickens here, but that’s just because they are birds. I can sit and stay when asked, and I will come when my name is called. I can also use a doggy door and will fetch toys if you throw them. I am housebroken, I walk pretty well on a leash (without pulling), and I do not rush the door when people come in or go out. I will bark, but only if I have someone to bark with, and I’d love to sing with you. I really like going for walks and enjoy going to the local dog park. If you do not want me on furniture, just tell me and I will get down. I also kennel easily, but really there is no need. If you just ask, I’m sure my foster family would bring me to meet you. Hoping to hear from you soon, Chippy Foster dad here! Chippy is a joy to have as a foster. He is telling you the truth about his personality! Chippy is up to date on his vaccines, micro-chipped, heartworm negative and on preventative. If you are interested in this fabulous boy, please fill out the adoption application and mention his name and ID#. Chippy is an owner surrender as stated above an due to a death in the family and a move that will not accept dogs, we were contacted to take him in,