Chester - 20030998

Location: Aptos, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: January 17, 2011 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: January 25, 2013


    This cute little guy was left in the drop box at the Hollister Shelter during the night. He was so frightened that it took him a few days to calm down. Now he is comfortable in his foster home and enjoying life. His long tail wags until he sees a bird and then this little guy is suddenly in a solid point. It will be a few days before the little guy is evaluated allowing him some time to become comfortable in his surroundings. He is currently in a foster to adopt situation.

    Chester - 20030998

    Location: Aptos, California
    Color: Orange and White
    Birthdate: January 17, 2011 - Actual
    Age: 13 Year, 9 Month
    Gender: Neutered Male
    Altered Date: January 25, 2013


      This cute little guy was left in the drop box at the Hollister Shelter during the night. He was so frightened that it took him a few days to calm down. Now he is comfortable in his foster home and enjoying life. His long tail wags until he sees a bird and then this little guy is suddenly in a solid point. It will be a few days before the little guy is evaluated allowing him some time to become comfortable in his surroundings. He is currently in a foster to adopt situation.