Charlie - 20032584

Location: , Pennsylvania
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 1, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: May 20, 2021

  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


*We will not be transporting Charlie because of the COVID-19 pandemic.Charlie’s blogChapter 1.Well I’m here to tell you its been a rough couple of weeks for me. I’ve gone from a 10 x 10 pen in south Georgia to a big yard in north central Alabama. I have landed with Herself. Do you know her? To tell you the truth she does not make the best first impression. She told me I smelled bad and needed a bath. I ask you: is that anyway to treat a house guest? That said, it’s pretty cool here. Big yard, soft bed and new friends. Well, except for the Little English One. I don’t think she likes me. Herself said she was a pest and not to worry. So I won’t! Herself says I’ll be here for a few weeks. I have to gain weight and learn stuff. She said the first thing I have to learn is not to use her foot as a pee pad. I got scared, what can I say. I am worried about her. the whole trip she kept talking to “Charlie” and there wasn’t anyone in the car but us. I think she has an invisible friend. They just chatted the whole time while I took a nap. Herself said that I am Charlie but I don’t like the name. We have decided to have a naming contest. The person with the best name gets to be my forever person. The Little English One says people can enter as many times as they like. She wants me to go!! Anyway enter my contest and win me. Herself says I will be quite a wonderful prize.P.S. She wasn’t kidding about the bath. But she did give me an “A” in bath. She said next step is to be “groomed”. I wonder what grade I’ll get in that, whatever it is.Update you soon,Contest PrizeChapter 2 I have been glamorized and am quite the handsome young man. I’m just a chillin’ kinda guy. And I have to tell you this lady knows how to give an ear rub. Things are really moving here with my learning stuff. I’m working on “sit” and “give”. Of course “give” comes after I have ignored “mine”. And I’m proud to say my foot peeing has improved dramatically. I didn’t pee on the ear rub lady’s foot one time. My potty outside is much improved also. I’ll have you know that if you lift your leg on a kitchen cabinet you will be unceremoniously carried outside. Such indignity!!! And I’m here to tell you that having just your head and front feet outside the door while you pee on said door will also get you unceremoniously pushed out of said door. Herself really needs to be much clearer with her instructions. I have also learned that the phrase “that’s enough” is not to be ignored. Something about hearing that at 5:15 AM after you try to serenade Herself with melodious howls will send a chill down one’s spine. Needless to say I only did it once. I’m a very quick learner. I did get big rewards for walking with a string around my neck. Herself even let me hold one end while she held the middle. Herself did give me my own “toy”. She said it was better to carry it around instead of her shoes. Shoes are a mine thing and toy is not. See how smart I am. I’m proud to announce that we have a few entrants in my naming contest. But it’s not too late to get your entry in. Remember I’m the prize. Herself says I’m so wonderful she wishes she had three or four just like meTill next timeC.P. Aka Contest Prize

Charlie - 20032584

Location: , Pennsylvania
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 1, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: May 20, 2021

  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


*We will not be transporting Charlie because of the COVID-19 pandemic.Charlie’s blogChapter 1.Well I’m here to tell you its been a rough couple of weeks for me. I’ve gone from a 10 x 10 pen in south Georgia to a big yard in north central Alabama. I have landed with Herself. Do you know her? To tell you the truth she does not make the best first impression. She told me I smelled bad and needed a bath. I ask you: is that anyway to treat a house guest? That said, it’s pretty cool here. Big yard, soft bed and new friends. Well, except for the Little English One. I don’t think she likes me. Herself said she was a pest and not to worry. So I won’t! Herself says I’ll be here for a few weeks. I have to gain weight and learn stuff. She said the first thing I have to learn is not to use her foot as a pee pad. I got scared, what can I say. I am worried about her. the whole trip she kept talking to “Charlie” and there wasn’t anyone in the car but us. I think she has an invisible friend. They just chatted the whole time while I took a nap. Herself said that I am Charlie but I don’t like the name. We have decided to have a naming contest. The person with the best name gets to be my forever person. The Little English One says people can enter as many times as they like. She wants me to go!! Anyway enter my contest and win me. Herself says I will be quite a wonderful prize.P.S. She wasn’t kidding about the bath. But she did give me an “A” in bath. She said next step is to be “groomed”. I wonder what grade I’ll get in that, whatever it is.Update you soon,Contest PrizeChapter 2 I have been glamorized and am quite the handsome young man. I’m just a chillin’ kinda guy. And I have to tell you this lady knows how to give an ear rub. Things are really moving here with my learning stuff. I’m working on “sit” and “give”. Of course “give” comes after I have ignored “mine”. And I’m proud to say my foot peeing has improved dramatically. I didn’t pee on the ear rub lady’s foot one time. My potty outside is much improved also. I’ll have you know that if you lift your leg on a kitchen cabinet you will be unceremoniously carried outside. Such indignity!!! And I’m here to tell you that having just your head and front feet outside the door while you pee on said door will also get you unceremoniously pushed out of said door. Herself really needs to be much clearer with her instructions. I have also learned that the phrase “that’s enough” is not to be ignored. Something about hearing that at 5:15 AM after you try to serenade Herself with melodious howls will send a chill down one’s spine. Needless to say I only did it once. I’m a very quick learner. I did get big rewards for walking with a string around my neck. Herself even let me hold one end while she held the middle. Herself did give me my own “toy”. She said it was better to carry it around instead of her shoes. Shoes are a mine thing and toy is not. See how smart I am. I’m proud to announce that we have a few entrants in my naming contest. But it’s not too late to get your entry in. Remember I’m the prize. Herself says I’m so wonderful she wishes she had three or four just like meTill next timeC.P. Aka Contest Prize