Caroline - 20030663

Location: Piedmont, Oklahoma
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: September 22, 2009 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: I bet you won’t be able to resist this adorable face and once you read more about me my foster Mom thinks it will make your heart sing. My name is Caroline and I am about 2 years old, maybe a bit younger but certainly not older. Yes at one time I had pups and now that I am spayed never need to worry about that again. I have a full tail and dew claws my coloring and markings make me a pretty girl. I have a wonderful personality too. My foster Mom has me all crate trained, housetrained, and I listen really well. I come when called, lay down when told, stay for the most part and yes take beautiful pictures. While my foster Mom was taking them the birds and squirrels were playing, she was very proud of my listening skills too. I love the little ones that live here, we have a toddler and a newborn, they do not bother me at all. I get along well with everyone here too, had some larger than me for a while and we still have those smaller than me. Not sure about cats but then again how I behave depends on how the cat behaves as well. We had some storms and glad to report I am not storm phobic plus I do not show any signs of separation anxiety either. I am not allowed on the furniture, I know how to settle down in the house, and do not get on the people beds either. I ride in the car quietly and got to ride in the front seat on the way to my foster home. Not a peep and was not car sick either. I had a heartworm test done and all is perfect am on monthly preventative and all of my vaccines are up to date, have a microchip, and am ready to go. Now that I told you a little bit about me, get your adoption application in then we can get to know a bit about you. I was found in a shelter in Oklahoma who contacted my Foster Mom for a spot in rescue.

Caroline - 20030663

Location: Piedmont, Oklahoma
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: September 22, 2009 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: I bet you won’t be able to resist this adorable face and once you read more about me my foster Mom thinks it will make your heart sing. My name is Caroline and I am about 2 years old, maybe a bit younger but certainly not older. Yes at one time I had pups and now that I am spayed never need to worry about that again. I have a full tail and dew claws my coloring and markings make me a pretty girl. I have a wonderful personality too. My foster Mom has me all crate trained, housetrained, and I listen really well. I come when called, lay down when told, stay for the most part and yes take beautiful pictures. While my foster Mom was taking them the birds and squirrels were playing, she was very proud of my listening skills too. I love the little ones that live here, we have a toddler and a newborn, they do not bother me at all. I get along well with everyone here too, had some larger than me for a while and we still have those smaller than me. Not sure about cats but then again how I behave depends on how the cat behaves as well. We had some storms and glad to report I am not storm phobic plus I do not show any signs of separation anxiety either. I am not allowed on the furniture, I know how to settle down in the house, and do not get on the people beds either. I ride in the car quietly and got to ride in the front seat on the way to my foster home. Not a peep and was not car sick either. I had a heartworm test done and all is perfect am on monthly preventative and all of my vaccines are up to date, have a microchip, and am ready to go. Now that I told you a little bit about me, get your adoption application in then we can get to know a bit about you. I was found in a shelter in Oklahoma who contacted my Foster Mom for a spot in rescue.