Bryce - 20032729

Location: Dublin, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 8, 2015 - Actual
Age: 9 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: March 7, 2022

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Bryce is one of the sweetest gentlest dogs you could ever meet. This handsome love bug wants nothing more than to be petted and cuddled and hang with you. Bryce is one of the Nevada City 37 dogs. He was born with a deformed rear leg, caused by the umbilical cord being wrapped around it. He does not let that bad luck keep him down! Recently he had the remainder of his leg removed. Now that the stitches are out and he has left the cone behind, Bryce is ready for adventure and looking for his forever family.Don’t let his three legged status fool you, Bryce can outrun us two-legged types.He loves patrolling my yard and runs up and down the hill with ease. He is healthy and curious. The only limitation I see with his tripod status is that younger children or boisterous other dogs might knock him over.Bryce is quiet, I have only heard him bark a few times. He gets along well with other dogs, I have no idea about cats. He is housebroken and does signal when he needs to go out. Still I would restrict him to the kitchen/family room in his new home until he has a chance to settle in. Bryce answers to his name and comes when called. He is good on the leash and now that he is feeling better, we are starting to work on basic commands.If you want a companion who will faithfully follow you from room to room and leans in for doggy hugs and kisses, Bryce is your guy.

Bryce - 20032729

Location: Dublin, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 8, 2015 - Actual
Age: 9 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: March 7, 2022

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs


Bryce is one of the sweetest gentlest dogs you could ever meet. This handsome love bug wants nothing more than to be petted and cuddled and hang with you. Bryce is one of the Nevada City 37 dogs. He was born with a deformed rear leg, caused by the umbilical cord being wrapped around it. He does not let that bad luck keep him down! Recently he had the remainder of his leg removed. Now that the stitches are out and he has left the cone behind, Bryce is ready for adventure and looking for his forever family.Don’t let his three legged status fool you, Bryce can outrun us two-legged types.He loves patrolling my yard and runs up and down the hill with ease. He is healthy and curious. The only limitation I see with his tripod status is that younger children or boisterous other dogs might knock him over.Bryce is quiet, I have only heard him bark a few times. He gets along well with other dogs, I have no idea about cats. He is housebroken and does signal when he needs to go out. Still I would restrict him to the kitchen/family room in his new home until he has a chance to settle in. Bryce answers to his name and comes when called. He is good on the leash and now that he is feeling better, we are starting to work on basic commands.If you want a companion who will faithfully follow you from room to room and leans in for doggy hugs and kisses, Bryce is your guy.