weights about 40 lbs and is 4-5 years old.
He is a very handsome orange and white Brittany. Initially when you first meet him, he is
standoffish until he gets comfortable with you.
He is friendly and gets along with other dogs. His demeanor with cats is unknown. He is currently intact and is scheduled to be
neutered. He will be fully vaccinated
upon his adoption. With daily leash
training, Basil is behaving nicely on walks.
He is crate trained and knows how to use a dog door. He is good with older kids. If you would like to adopt and provide Basil
with his forever home, please complete the adoption
application. Basil is one of the
Nevada City dogs. Basil will require an enclosed
weights about 40 lbs and is 4-5 years old.
He is a very handsome orange and white Brittany. Initially when you first meet him, he is
standoffish until he gets comfortable with you.
He is friendly and gets along with other dogs. His demeanor with cats is unknown. He is currently intact and is scheduled to be
neutered. He will be fully vaccinated
upon his adoption. With daily leash
training, Basil is behaving nicely on walks.
He is crate trained and knows how to use a dog door. He is good with older kids. If you would like to adopt and provide Basil
with his forever home, please complete the adoption
application. Basil is one of the
Nevada City dogs. Basil will require an enclosed