Annie - 20038540

Location: Garretson, South Dakota
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: June 1, 2021 - Estimated
Age: 3 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard

Foster Contact
Cheryl Bosma

Annie is a loving, full of energy, 3 year old female who was an owner surrender. She had been placed in a foster to adopt home, but due to health reasons (in the humans, not her) they decided they couldn’t keep her.

She loves to RUN! Annie is currently living on an acerage and has about 5 acres to run in and patrol. She loves to find, point and chase the birds we have on our property. Annie was introduced to a pigeon while here. She found it, picked it up and brought it back to hand. George gave it back to Annie and she took off with her find – he called her and she came back to him (but without the pigeon!) Annie quickly realized her mistake and went back and got it. The pigeon was never harmed by her. She has definitely shown an interest in the local birds.

According to her previous owners, she has learned how to dig under a chain link fence – and then run! She has been trained to use a doggy door and has learned how invisible fencing works at our place. Annie is super affectionate and loves to cuddle with both of us. She gets along ok with our other 2 dogs. She is also crate trained, and usually goes in it, reluctantly, when she is told to kennel up.

Annie had tested positive for Lyme Disease, and had been treated for it and shows no symptoms. She is up to date on all shots, including annual heartgard and is spayed. She is very healthy and weighs about 35 pounds.

Annie - 20038540

Location: Garretson, South Dakota
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: June 1, 2021 - Estimated
Age: 3 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard

Foster Contact
Cheryl Bosma

Annie is a loving, full of energy, 3 year old female who was an owner surrender. She had been placed in a foster to adopt home, but due to health reasons (in the humans, not her) they decided they couldn’t keep her.

She loves to RUN! Annie is currently living on an acerage and has about 5 acres to run in and patrol. She loves to find, point and chase the birds we have on our property. Annie was introduced to a pigeon while here. She found it, picked it up and brought it back to hand. George gave it back to Annie and she took off with her find – he called her and she came back to him (but without the pigeon!) Annie quickly realized her mistake and went back and got it. The pigeon was never harmed by her. She has definitely shown an interest in the local birds.

According to her previous owners, she has learned how to dig under a chain link fence – and then run! She has been trained to use a doggy door and has learned how invisible fencing works at our place. Annie is super affectionate and loves to cuddle with both of us. She gets along ok with our other 2 dogs. She is also crate trained, and usually goes in it, reluctantly, when she is told to kennel up.

Annie had tested positive for Lyme Disease, and had been treated for it and shows no symptoms. She is up to date on all shots, including annual heartgard and is spayed. She is very healthy and weighs about 35 pounds.