Achilleas renamed Cash - 20032151

Location: Ramona, California
Color: Black and White
Birthdate: February 5, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 7 Month
Gender: Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs


Dog Story: Hello from Greece!!! My name is Achilleas, but my foster dad calls me Freddy. I’m told I am a absolutely stunning French Brittany, but hey I’m a puppy so really whats important is fun!!! I love playing with my brother and sister, I love curling up in laps for a nap. I’m pretty smart too, I use the doggie door to go potty and walk ok on a leash, but I need a family . . . I’m hoping for someone who knows how much time and training youngsters like me take and I would love another pup to hang out with. If you think I might be a good match for your family please submit a online adoption application and call my foster mom for any questions . . . 619-929-4825 Freddy is part of ABR’s international rescue effort.

Achilleas renamed Cash - 20032151

Location: Ramona, California
Color: Black and White
Birthdate: February 5, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 7 Month
Gender: Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs


Dog Story: Hello from Greece!!! My name is Achilleas, but my foster dad calls me Freddy. I’m told I am a absolutely stunning French Brittany, but hey I’m a puppy so really whats important is fun!!! I love playing with my brother and sister, I love curling up in laps for a nap. I’m pretty smart too, I use the doggie door to go potty and walk ok on a leash, but I need a family . . . I’m hoping for someone who knows how much time and training youngsters like me take and I would love another pup to hang out with. If you think I might be a good match for your family please submit a online adoption application and call my foster mom for any questions . . . 619-929-4825 Freddy is part of ABR’s international rescue effort.