Abbie - 20031962

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: April 8, 2014 - Actual
Age: 10 Year, 6 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Dog Story: When I was rescued as a stray in Arkansas, they named me Vincent (as in Vincent van Gogh) but my foster mom changed it to Abbie (as in Abbie Normal from the movie Young Frankenstein). This is because I have a couple genetic defects, like I don’t have an ear flap on my left ear, my prepuce is missing near the top, and I have a partially fused metatarsal on my left foot. But, no worries, they don’t slow me down, they just add to my charm. My foster mom was a foster-to-adopt but her work situation is changing and she’ll be stuck in a boring office 9-5 instead of working from home. She’s considerate enough that she knows I would not be happy or thrive being crated for 8 hours a day so she’s looking for a new home for me. The main reason why I wouldn’t be happy crated up is because I am VERY active and LOVE being around people. So I really need a home where I will be exercised every day, preferably taken for runs or long fast walks. And I need either a work from home situation or someone who only works away from home part-time. While I LOVE everyone, if you’ve got children they need to be older, say 7 and up, because when I get excited I jump and I’d hate to hurt a child who can’t deal with that. Also, having another dog to play with would be the best! Just make sure s/he’s tolerant because, according to my foster brother, I can be a real pest trying to get another dog to play with me. And I also will steal their toys, so s/he’s got to be okay with that. I’ve done pretty well with my foster cats, but they are tempting so I would need supervision until I learn that the cats are friends not toys. I also will need a good, strong, secure fence. I won’t jump it but I will run up to it and smack it really hard when I see a bird or squirrel that I want. Beyond that I’m a very attentive, affectionate, sensitive Brittany boy. I’m around 4 years old, neutered, housebroken, crate trained, healthy and heartworm negative. I know some basic commands but would benefit from an obedience class. I think I’d be really good at agility so if you like working with dogs I’ve got the energy and smarts for it! Just be sure to use positive reinforcement because I’m very sensitive. My former owner used strong negative corrections and so I belly up whenever I think you’re upset with me. Abbie was rescued as a stray in Arkansas.

Abbie - 20031962

Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: April 8, 2014 - Actual
Age: 10 Year, 6 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Dog Story: When I was rescued as a stray in Arkansas, they named me Vincent (as in Vincent van Gogh) but my foster mom changed it to Abbie (as in Abbie Normal from the movie Young Frankenstein). This is because I have a couple genetic defects, like I don’t have an ear flap on my left ear, my prepuce is missing near the top, and I have a partially fused metatarsal on my left foot. But, no worries, they don’t slow me down, they just add to my charm. My foster mom was a foster-to-adopt but her work situation is changing and she’ll be stuck in a boring office 9-5 instead of working from home. She’s considerate enough that she knows I would not be happy or thrive being crated for 8 hours a day so she’s looking for a new home for me. The main reason why I wouldn’t be happy crated up is because I am VERY active and LOVE being around people. So I really need a home where I will be exercised every day, preferably taken for runs or long fast walks. And I need either a work from home situation or someone who only works away from home part-time. While I LOVE everyone, if you’ve got children they need to be older, say 7 and up, because when I get excited I jump and I’d hate to hurt a child who can’t deal with that. Also, having another dog to play with would be the best! Just make sure s/he’s tolerant because, according to my foster brother, I can be a real pest trying to get another dog to play with me. And I also will steal their toys, so s/he’s got to be okay with that. I’ve done pretty well with my foster cats, but they are tempting so I would need supervision until I learn that the cats are friends not toys. I also will need a good, strong, secure fence. I won’t jump it but I will run up to it and smack it really hard when I see a bird or squirrel that I want. Beyond that I’m a very attentive, affectionate, sensitive Brittany boy. I’m around 4 years old, neutered, housebroken, crate trained, healthy and heartworm negative. I know some basic commands but would benefit from an obedience class. I think I’d be really good at agility so if you like working with dogs I’ve got the energy and smarts for it! Just be sure to use positive reinforcement because I’m very sensitive. My former owner used strong negative corrections and so I belly up whenever I think you’re upset with me. Abbie was rescued as a stray in Arkansas.