Jethro - 20038326

Location: Liberal, Kansas
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: July 11, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: May 13, 2024

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Are you looking for a professionally trained hunting dog, who will need a good snuggle after a day in the field? If so, then Jethro is the dog for you! Jethro wants to tell you a little about himself. Have a seat, and get ready to hear it best from Jethro himself!

Hi everyone! I’m Jethro Bodine. I’m a 6 year old good boy and have spent my whole life at a professional hunting/training facility in Kansas. I’ve even been in field trials! I may need some reminders to brush up on my skills, but they say I’ll be ready for hunting season in no time! It’s all I know, so I’d love to have someone who would take me hunting with them. After a day in the field, I require a good snuggle! 

I’d love to have a place to run and play because that’s what the good life is like for a Brittany! I’m trained to an e-collar, so that gives me a little more freedom, and will give you a sense of relief. Oh, and get this…. I HAVE GREAT RECALL!

Thanks for checking out my profile! If you think I’m the boy for you, submit an adoption application! Sniffs and Kisses- Jethro


Foster mom here!

Jethro spent his life at a training facility and received high quality hunting training. This is all he has known so we recommend a family that will take him hunting to be the best! 

Even though this boy loves the field, he is just a lover in general. He is a sweetie, and loves giving kisses, getting pets, and snuggling on the couch. He is a shadow and loves to be close to what’s going on in the house. He is kennel trained and not officially house trained, but we have  no issues with this while he has been here. 

Jethro is good with other dogs, and curious of cats. He has loved everyone he’s met including children!

Jethro - 20038326

Location: Liberal, Kansas
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: July 11, 2018 - Actual
Age: 6 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: May 13, 2024

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Are you looking for a professionally trained hunting dog, who will need a good snuggle after a day in the field? If so, then Jethro is the dog for you! Jethro wants to tell you a little about himself. Have a seat, and get ready to hear it best from Jethro himself!

Hi everyone! I’m Jethro Bodine. I’m a 6 year old good boy and have spent my whole life at a professional hunting/training facility in Kansas. I’ve even been in field trials! I may need some reminders to brush up on my skills, but they say I’ll be ready for hunting season in no time! It’s all I know, so I’d love to have someone who would take me hunting with them. After a day in the field, I require a good snuggle! 

I’d love to have a place to run and play because that’s what the good life is like for a Brittany! I’m trained to an e-collar, so that gives me a little more freedom, and will give you a sense of relief. Oh, and get this…. I HAVE GREAT RECALL!

Thanks for checking out my profile! If you think I’m the boy for you, submit an adoption application! Sniffs and Kisses- Jethro


Foster mom here!

Jethro spent his life at a training facility and received high quality hunting training. This is all he has known so we recommend a family that will take him hunting to be the best! 

Even though this boy loves the field, he is just a lover in general. He is a sweetie, and loves giving kisses, getting pets, and snuggling on the couch. He is a shadow and loves to be close to what’s going on in the house. He is kennel trained and not officially house trained, but we have  no issues with this while he has been here. 

Jethro is good with other dogs, and curious of cats. He has loved everyone he’s met including children!