Zoey - 20037790

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 14, 2016 - Estimated
Age: 8 Year, 5 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Zoey is a wonderful, but aloof and slightly skittish girl. She is quiet in the house, but sometimes yodels. It is so cute and is how she signals she is happy. She understands basic commands, sleeps through the night, loves toys and of course treats. We are working on leash walking , but isn’t that so typical Britt?

She doesn’t love being alone (with out humans or fellow canines) however is fine when left alone with our two Britt boys. She is not a fan of the crate and would initially cry, however would settle down after a few minutes. We’ve left her out with our dogs and she is a good girl.

Zoey will do well in a family with another canine companion. She has met several neighborhood dogs off or on leash. With proper introductions they were all normal uneventful encounters. She will sometimes bark and lunge when she wants to meet another dog. Once she draws closer, she calms down.

Zoey is looking for a forever home with parents who can give her all the love she deserves. No sight unseen adoptions for Ms. Zoey. We feel it is important that all family members (human and canine) meet to assure that we have a good match. If you think this sweet girl may be the one for you, please complete the adoption application and mention Zoey.

DOG HISTORY: Zoey was an owner surrender due to family health issues. She is current on vaccinations, is Heart Worm negative and is on Heart Worm preventative. She is micro-chipped and just waiting for a family of her own.

Zoey - 20037790

Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: March 14, 2016 - Estimated
Age: 8 Year, 5 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Zoey is a wonderful, but aloof and slightly skittish girl. She is quiet in the house, but sometimes yodels. It is so cute and is how she signals she is happy. She understands basic commands, sleeps through the night, loves toys and of course treats. We are working on leash walking , but isn’t that so typical Britt?

She doesn’t love being alone (with out humans or fellow canines) however is fine when left alone with our two Britt boys. She is not a fan of the crate and would initially cry, however would settle down after a few minutes. We’ve left her out with our dogs and she is a good girl.

Zoey will do well in a family with another canine companion. She has met several neighborhood dogs off or on leash. With proper introductions they were all normal uneventful encounters. She will sometimes bark and lunge when she wants to meet another dog. Once she draws closer, she calms down.

Zoey is looking for a forever home with parents who can give her all the love she deserves. No sight unseen adoptions for Ms. Zoey. We feel it is important that all family members (human and canine) meet to assure that we have a good match. If you think this sweet girl may be the one for you, please complete the adoption application and mention Zoey.

DOG HISTORY: Zoey was an owner surrender due to family health issues. She is current on vaccinations, is Heart Worm negative and is on Heart Worm preventative. She is micro-chipped and just waiting for a family of her own.