Fred, a delightful Brittany pup estimated to be between 5 and 6 months old, embodies a gentle nature. Initially reserved, he’s steadily blossoming with confidence under the tutelage of his senior foster brothers, also Brittanys, and through playful interactions with fellow puppies at daycamp. Fred adeptly navigates an underground fence and is swiftly mastering housebreaking and crate training. This sweet pup loves to navigate the backyard and explore but is happy to curl up on the couch for a long nap.
History: Fred came to ABR from a breeder after along with 3 of his siblings after an accidental mating. We do not know much about his start, but he is a healthy and happy pup ready for a good home. Fred thrives in environments suited for older children and adults, making him best suited for a household without very young children (under school age).
Fred, a delightful Brittany pup estimated to be between 5 and 6 months old, embodies a gentle nature. Initially reserved, he’s steadily blossoming with confidence under the tutelage of his senior foster brothers, also Brittanys, and through playful interactions with fellow puppies at daycamp. Fred adeptly navigates an underground fence and is swiftly mastering housebreaking and crate training. This sweet pup loves to navigate the backyard and explore but is happy to curl up on the couch for a long nap.
History: Fred came to ABR from a breeder after along with 3 of his siblings after an accidental mating. We do not know much about his start, but he is a healthy and happy pup ready for a good home. Fred thrives in environments suited for older children and adults, making him best suited for a household without very young children (under school age).