Billy - 20034966

Location: Painesville, Ohio
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: February 24, 2018 - Estimated
Age: 6 Year, 6 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: March 2, 2023

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


My name is Billy and I am ready to find my forever family. I’m a big boy with a lot of energy. My foster mom says I am a very smart boy. Even though I have been with her for less than two weeks, I am learning basic commands, walk well on a leash, and have just about mastered house training. I don’t usually touch the furniture but I have gotten in the bed with my foster dad for his afternoon nap.I am food motivated but have proper manners in the kitcen and aournd the table. I will do almost anything for a treat and blueberries are my favorite.I prefer to be with my people and I love children of all ages. I might get a little excited when I first meet them but quickly calm down and act like a gentleman. My foster sister has two small dogs and she says I play very well with them. I did get to spend a couple of days with a cat and they are pretty fun.From Billy’s foster family:Billy is a sweet boy. He’s a little goofy and can be a bit of a character. He is very smart and learns new commands quickly. Billy has adapted well to living in a home and is almost house broken. We have offered him his very own bed but he prefers to sleep on the floor by the door. Speaking of doors: he will try to run out when the door opens. He has only gotten out once with us and he came back after checking the neighbor’s mailbox. Billy will need a fence and some room to explore the great outdoors.Blly gives sweet nose boops when asked for a kiss and will hug his person if he feels unsure of a situation. We don’t know a lot about Billy’s past. What we do know is that his adoptive family is getting a great dog!Billy is utd on his vaccinations and is neutered. He has “light” case of heartworms for which he is being treated with slow kill protocol. This is simply taking monthly preventatives (Heartguard Plus and Miramox) and does not involve exercise restriction. Billy takes his meds with no problem. It is in Billy’s best interest to be settled with his forever family so he is available now as a foster to adopt. ABR will provide the required treatment until Billy tests negative (usually 6 months) at which time we will finalize the adoption.

Billy - 20034966

Location: Painesville, Ohio
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: February 24, 2018 - Estimated
Age: 6 Year, 6 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: March 2, 2023

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


My name is Billy and I am ready to find my forever family. I’m a big boy with a lot of energy. My foster mom says I am a very smart boy. Even though I have been with her for less than two weeks, I am learning basic commands, walk well on a leash, and have just about mastered house training. I don’t usually touch the furniture but I have gotten in the bed with my foster dad for his afternoon nap.I am food motivated but have proper manners in the kitcen and aournd the table. I will do almost anything for a treat and blueberries are my favorite.I prefer to be with my people and I love children of all ages. I might get a little excited when I first meet them but quickly calm down and act like a gentleman. My foster sister has two small dogs and she says I play very well with them. I did get to spend a couple of days with a cat and they are pretty fun.From Billy’s foster family:Billy is a sweet boy. He’s a little goofy and can be a bit of a character. He is very smart and learns new commands quickly. Billy has adapted well to living in a home and is almost house broken. We have offered him his very own bed but he prefers to sleep on the floor by the door. Speaking of doors: he will try to run out when the door opens. He has only gotten out once with us and he came back after checking the neighbor’s mailbox. Billy will need a fence and some room to explore the great outdoors.Blly gives sweet nose boops when asked for a kiss and will hug his person if he feels unsure of a situation. We don’t know a lot about Billy’s past. What we do know is that his adoptive family is getting a great dog!Billy is utd on his vaccinations and is neutered. He has “light” case of heartworms for which he is being treated with slow kill protocol. This is simply taking monthly preventatives (Heartguard Plus and Miramox) and does not involve exercise restriction. Billy takes his meds with no problem. It is in Billy’s best interest to be settled with his forever family so he is available now as a foster to adopt. ABR will provide the required treatment until Billy tests negative (usually 6 months) at which time we will finalize the adoption.