Woody - 20032759

Location: Quartz Hill, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 2, 2018 - Actual
Age: 5 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Male

  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Woody The WonderfulWoody is so very special! Not only is he gorgeous, sweet and loving but he is also super strong and still thinks he’s a puppy. Youhelp but fall in love with him. He has so much love for everything, but it is very important he find a forever home that can give him lots of love,activities, and continue his training. He needs a strong hoo that can go on long runs, hikes and walks. He loves to play hard and snuggle just as much!Woody attended the ABR Annual picnic this year and did great running and playing with all the pups.He even went to restaraunts and he had so much fun he hopes his new hoo will bring him back next year. Along with taking him to cool places with them.Woody has some specific needs due to his activity level and his strength so the applications will be screenedthoroughly to ensure we find the perfect forever home for him.Woody is looking for a home with the following.*Must have another dog that likes to play.*Great with other dogs. He shows no aggression at all and just wants to play non stop which is normal Brittany Puppy behaviour.*He is good with cats. We have two in the home with him.*Big yard that is fully enclosed (6ft fence) and gated.*No little children, He is a gentle giant, but he is big and very strong and likes to jump up to give hugs. ( we are still working on that )*A hoo with energy to run, hike and walk with him who can play with him and continue his training.*He has been crate trained. He sleeps well in crate in hishoos room where he can see you. However he is very excitedand rambunctious after any time in the crate, at anytime. So.. He needs to go to a home where at least one person is homemost of the day. He will not do well, nor should he be crated for long periods regularly. If that happens he will be crazy afterwardsand so its best to avoid that, plus no dog deserves to be in a crate all day every day. * Woody came to ABR with absolutely no training but he is so smart he has learned come, sit, leave it, shake and kisses commands. He is an amazing sweet and smart boy.*Woody walks on a leash ( soft choke with leather lead for training for a Brit ) . Half hitch also works in a pinch. He is strong and he is a Brit so he will pull at times,positive training and time will help this.* Most importantly he wants/needs to be with his people and he LOVES to cuddle on the couch with you. We have been able to take him anywhere as he is such a good boy.*We are working on teaching him to be invited on the couch but he is such a sweetheart how could anyone not cuddle with him on the couch.Working on:* Barks/whimpers to get attention/or wants to play*Uses paws to pull when he wants attention ( strong paws, can bruise ).*seperation anxiety*Jumps when excited.. Working on sit and wait commands at doors where he jumps the most.*Waiting to be invited onto the sofa.

Woody - 20032759

Location: Quartz Hill, California
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 2, 2018 - Actual
Age: 5 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Male

  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Woody The WonderfulWoody is so very special! Not only is he gorgeous, sweet and loving but he is also super strong and still thinks he’s a puppy. Youhelp but fall in love with him. He has so much love for everything, but it is very important he find a forever home that can give him lots of love,activities, and continue his training. He needs a strong hoo that can go on long runs, hikes and walks. He loves to play hard and snuggle just as much!Woody attended the ABR Annual picnic this year and did great running and playing with all the pups.He even went to restaraunts and he had so much fun he hopes his new hoo will bring him back next year. Along with taking him to cool places with them.Woody has some specific needs due to his activity level and his strength so the applications will be screenedthoroughly to ensure we find the perfect forever home for him.Woody is looking for a home with the following.*Must have another dog that likes to play.*Great with other dogs. He shows no aggression at all and just wants to play non stop which is normal Brittany Puppy behaviour.*He is good with cats. We have two in the home with him.*Big yard that is fully enclosed (6ft fence) and gated.*No little children, He is a gentle giant, but he is big and very strong and likes to jump up to give hugs. ( we are still working on that )*A hoo with energy to run, hike and walk with him who can play with him and continue his training.*He has been crate trained. He sleeps well in crate in hishoos room where he can see you. However he is very excitedand rambunctious after any time in the crate, at anytime. So.. He needs to go to a home where at least one person is homemost of the day. He will not do well, nor should he be crated for long periods regularly. If that happens he will be crazy afterwardsand so its best to avoid that, plus no dog deserves to be in a crate all day every day. * Woody came to ABR with absolutely no training but he is so smart he has learned come, sit, leave it, shake and kisses commands. He is an amazing sweet and smart boy.*Woody walks on a leash ( soft choke with leather lead for training for a Brit ) . Half hitch also works in a pinch. He is strong and he is a Brit so he will pull at times,positive training and time will help this.* Most importantly he wants/needs to be with his people and he LOVES to cuddle on the couch with you. We have been able to take him anywhere as he is such a good boy.*We are working on teaching him to be invited on the couch but he is such a sweetheart how could anyone not cuddle with him on the couch.Working on:* Barks/whimpers to get attention/or wants to play*Uses paws to pull when he wants attention ( strong paws, can bruise ).*seperation anxiety*Jumps when excited.. Working on sit and wait commands at doors where he jumps the most.*Waiting to be invited onto the sofa.