Pepper - 20032667

Location: Walnut Creek, California
Color: Tri-Color
Birthdate: September 15, 2021 - Estimated
Age: 2 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Female
Altered Date: November 1, 2021

  • OK with Dogs


Pepper is a very smart little girl. She is the leader of the pack, and very independent. She is very pretty and looks like her mama.Pepper has a very sweet personality and will venture out on her own a bit, but likes to be near her people. She has figured out how to climb out of her pen to be with her people.Gemma and her puppies spent their first 6-7 weeks alone and on their own. Since coming into rescue, the puppies have been weaned, received their first 2 sets of puppy shots, and a clean bill of health. The puppies will be microchipped before they are adopted.The puppies will be adopted with an additional spay/neuter deposit that will be refunded upon proof the puppy has been spayed or neutered.If you are interested in adopting a sweet, well adjusted, adventurous female puppy, fill out an adoption application and mention Miss Pepper.

Pepper - 20032667

Location: Walnut Creek, California
Color: Tri-Color
Birthdate: September 15, 2021 - Estimated
Age: 2 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Female
Altered Date: November 1, 2021

  • OK with Dogs


Pepper is a very smart little girl. She is the leader of the pack, and very independent. She is very pretty and looks like her mama.Pepper has a very sweet personality and will venture out on her own a bit, but likes to be near her people. She has figured out how to climb out of her pen to be with her people.Gemma and her puppies spent their first 6-7 weeks alone and on their own. Since coming into rescue, the puppies have been weaned, received their first 2 sets of puppy shots, and a clean bill of health. The puppies will be microchipped before they are adopted.The puppies will be adopted with an additional spay/neuter deposit that will be refunded upon proof the puppy has been spayed or neutered.If you are interested in adopting a sweet, well adjusted, adventurous female puppy, fill out an adoption application and mention Miss Pepper.