Kodza AKA Cody - 20032354

Location: White Plains, New York
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 1, 2018 - Estimated
Age: 6 Year, 0 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Meet Kodza now known as Cody, who came to the US from Serbia, not much is known about his background. He did not respond to his name, maybe I was saying it wrong or maybe it was just given to him, either way I have been calling him Cody and he is responding to that now.Cody is a great dog, very smart and I believe very trainable. He is 99% housebroken which means if you let him out regularly he does his business outside. He is getting into a good routine now and has not had any accidents since I first got him. He wants to chase squirrels but amazingly I trained him not to just by telling him NO. He’s not perfect but will usually just stare them down and not go after them.He is smart, he seems to pick up on things quickly if you are consistent with him.We let him up on most furniture but not all.He quickly understood what he could and could not go on and is pretty good about following the rules. He has room for improvement walking on a leash, like most Britts he pulls.Cody is very friendly, a little standoffish when meeting new people, but after 5 minutes he acts like you are his best friend. He plays well with other dogs.He is usually more submissive at first but again after 5 minutes he is playing like they were litter mates.Cody needs a physically fenced yard. In a fenced yard he is great, he runs and comes when you call him.Cody needs to get exercised daily, 10 or 15 minutes running around in a fenced yard a few times a day and he will be a happy dog.He eats great, whatever you give him he gobbles it up. He loves treats and takes them gently from your hand.I think he would be good with kids of any age.He doesn’t jump up on people unless you wind him up. He is good when left alone, doesn’t cry when you leave. Not much of a barker but sometimes barks reacting to something new.He would do well in a house as an only dog, as he bonds well to people, or in a house with other canine companions.He is definitely a people dog.He wants to be in the same room as you and will follow you room to room.He will cuddle with you for as long as you pet him and then some.Not sure about cats as he has not seen one yet. He would probably be better without a cat in the house as he does see small animals as prey to be chased.Cody is heartworm negative and on preventative, he is neutered, microchipped and up to date on his shots.If you want more information on Cody please fill out theadoption application and mention his name.

Kodza AKA Cody - 20032354

Location: White Plains, New York
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 1, 2018 - Estimated
Age: 6 Year, 0 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Meet Kodza now known as Cody, who came to the US from Serbia, not much is known about his background. He did not respond to his name, maybe I was saying it wrong or maybe it was just given to him, either way I have been calling him Cody and he is responding to that now.Cody is a great dog, very smart and I believe very trainable. He is 99% housebroken which means if you let him out regularly he does his business outside. He is getting into a good routine now and has not had any accidents since I first got him. He wants to chase squirrels but amazingly I trained him not to just by telling him NO. He’s not perfect but will usually just stare them down and not go after them.He is smart, he seems to pick up on things quickly if you are consistent with him.We let him up on most furniture but not all.He quickly understood what he could and could not go on and is pretty good about following the rules. He has room for improvement walking on a leash, like most Britts he pulls.Cody is very friendly, a little standoffish when meeting new people, but after 5 minutes he acts like you are his best friend. He plays well with other dogs.He is usually more submissive at first but again after 5 minutes he is playing like they were litter mates.Cody needs a physically fenced yard. In a fenced yard he is great, he runs and comes when you call him.Cody needs to get exercised daily, 10 or 15 minutes running around in a fenced yard a few times a day and he will be a happy dog.He eats great, whatever you give him he gobbles it up. He loves treats and takes them gently from your hand.I think he would be good with kids of any age.He doesn’t jump up on people unless you wind him up. He is good when left alone, doesn’t cry when you leave. Not much of a barker but sometimes barks reacting to something new.He would do well in a house as an only dog, as he bonds well to people, or in a house with other canine companions.He is definitely a people dog.He wants to be in the same room as you and will follow you room to room.He will cuddle with you for as long as you pet him and then some.Not sure about cats as he has not seen one yet. He would probably be better without a cat in the house as he does see small animals as prey to be chased.Cody is heartworm negative and on preventative, he is neutered, microchipped and up to date on his shots.If you want more information on Cody please fill out theadoption application and mention his name.