Tucker aka “TUCK” - 20032231

Location: Waco, Texas
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 11, 2016 - Actual
Age: 8 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Hi! My name is Tuck (short for Tucker) and I live in Texas with my dad. I was born in San Antonio and have 7 brothers and sisters that live all over the place. I love Texas, my dad, and really any person or thing that will give me attention. I am very friendly and curious to the world around me. My favorite things are to be loved on with hugs, rubs and kisses, any type of playing inside or out, making new friends, treats, laying on the couch, or going to see my friends at the kennel. For the most part, I would consider myself a mild-mannered dog. I have lots of energy but I am easy-going, I NEVER bark, I make friends easily, I am not at all aggressive, and I love everyone. I am a little shy and nervous at times, dad makes me feel more comfortable but new people, places and sounds make me nervous sometimes. Hanging out with my dad is the best. Unfortunately, he is really busy with work these days and we live in a small apartment. So, most days, I am at home alone for most of the day and it gets really boring and lonely. When dad is not home, sometimes I stay in my crate and sometimes he lets me stay out and be the man of the house. Of course, I love to stay out but I crate easily because I don’t want to talk back to my dad. I sleep in the crate every night as well, but I like doing this because it makes me feel safe. My dad travels for work as well, and when he is gone overnight, I will go see my friends at the kennel .and I really like that. When we do have time, I get to the go to the park in town and run and run and run. I never seem to get tired even when my friends do and no longer want to play. I have TONS of energy. I think dad knows that he doesn’t play with me/work with me enough, but he brags a lot to his friends about how great he thinks I am. Of course, he talks about how I never bark and I am very sweet and lovable. He also talks about how I don’t go the bathroom in the house, I sit when told to, I go when he tells me to go, and sometimes I will lay down when told to . though this one is hard for me because I don’t want to lay down most of the time. Dad and I really never played fetch, I think its kind of boring doing the same repetitive thing. I would rather run in a million different directions until I have to go home. I don’t get to run enough so I take full advantage of my time at the park. Dad also told me to tell you that I am neutered, have all of my shots, and have been on heart worm preventative for most of my life. At this point you’re probably wondering why I am writing to tell you all of this. Well, sadly my dad has decided it is best for me to live with a family that has more time to love me and play with me. As you can imagine, I am very sad about this but I am also excited for the opportunity to meet new people that will love me from the very first day and treat me like their family. I am also excited to go to a home that will have more space for me to play and I hope we go to the park a lot and take lots of walks. Although, dad says I’m not great on a leash so I hope my new family is patient with me as I learn how to walk on one . walking is boring 🙂 Anyway, I hope if you are reading this you would consider adopting me if you feel the above info fits what you are looking for in a new pup. I know my dad is worried about me, but I keep telling him I will be fine and I hope we can stay in touch through my new family. Thanks for taking the time to read about me, if you are interested in adopting me please fill out the adoption application note Tuck and I hope to meet you soon! My Dad and I would like to meet my new ‘forever family’ to make sure it is a good fit. So please no long distance placements.

Tucker aka “TUCK” - 20032231

Location: Waco, Texas
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 11, 2016 - Actual
Age: 8 Year, 1 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Hi! My name is Tuck (short for Tucker) and I live in Texas with my dad. I was born in San Antonio and have 7 brothers and sisters that live all over the place. I love Texas, my dad, and really any person or thing that will give me attention. I am very friendly and curious to the world around me. My favorite things are to be loved on with hugs, rubs and kisses, any type of playing inside or out, making new friends, treats, laying on the couch, or going to see my friends at the kennel. For the most part, I would consider myself a mild-mannered dog. I have lots of energy but I am easy-going, I NEVER bark, I make friends easily, I am not at all aggressive, and I love everyone. I am a little shy and nervous at times, dad makes me feel more comfortable but new people, places and sounds make me nervous sometimes. Hanging out with my dad is the best. Unfortunately, he is really busy with work these days and we live in a small apartment. So, most days, I am at home alone for most of the day and it gets really boring and lonely. When dad is not home, sometimes I stay in my crate and sometimes he lets me stay out and be the man of the house. Of course, I love to stay out but I crate easily because I don’t want to talk back to my dad. I sleep in the crate every night as well, but I like doing this because it makes me feel safe. My dad travels for work as well, and when he is gone overnight, I will go see my friends at the kennel .and I really like that. When we do have time, I get to the go to the park in town and run and run and run. I never seem to get tired even when my friends do and no longer want to play. I have TONS of energy. I think dad knows that he doesn’t play with me/work with me enough, but he brags a lot to his friends about how great he thinks I am. Of course, he talks about how I never bark and I am very sweet and lovable. He also talks about how I don’t go the bathroom in the house, I sit when told to, I go when he tells me to go, and sometimes I will lay down when told to . though this one is hard for me because I don’t want to lay down most of the time. Dad and I really never played fetch, I think its kind of boring doing the same repetitive thing. I would rather run in a million different directions until I have to go home. I don’t get to run enough so I take full advantage of my time at the park. Dad also told me to tell you that I am neutered, have all of my shots, and have been on heart worm preventative for most of my life. At this point you’re probably wondering why I am writing to tell you all of this. Well, sadly my dad has decided it is best for me to live with a family that has more time to love me and play with me. As you can imagine, I am very sad about this but I am also excited for the opportunity to meet new people that will love me from the very first day and treat me like their family. I am also excited to go to a home that will have more space for me to play and I hope we go to the park a lot and take lots of walks. Although, dad says I’m not great on a leash so I hope my new family is patient with me as I learn how to walk on one . walking is boring 🙂 Anyway, I hope if you are reading this you would consider adopting me if you feel the above info fits what you are looking for in a new pup. I know my dad is worried about me, but I keep telling him I will be fine and I hope we can stay in touch through my new family. Thanks for taking the time to read about me, if you are interested in adopting me please fill out the adoption application note Tuck and I hope to meet you soon! My Dad and I would like to meet my new ‘forever family’ to make sure it is a good fit. So please no long distance placements.