Jack - 20032202

Location: West Creek, New Jersey
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 1, 2013 - Actual
Age: 10 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hi! Jack here, thought I would stop by for just a minute to introduce myself. But just a minute you see as I am a very busy boy-literally. I’m learning to slow down here in my foster home and enjoy the freedoms of life in a foster home. You see my prior owner left me crated a lot so I am learning that I have all the free time in to world now to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY with my toys and especially my ball! Then take some down time to snuggle and even take a nap on the couch in the sunny spot. Wow, life is much, much different than before and I am really liking it. So let me tell you a little about myself. I have a heart on the top of my head dead center and this indicates all the love and kisses I have to share with a special someone in my forever home. As I love to snuggle, be petted and give you some Brittany smooches. I am house broken, crate trained, good with dogs and love the Brittany here at my foster home we play and have a great time. I don’t know about cats as my prior home didn’t have any and neither does my foster home. I pull some on leash but not at all on harness but do zig zag some when on a walk back and forth in front of you taking in all the smells but hey I am new here so that could change. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to play ball and will bring it back and drop it at your feet for another throw! I also know some commands like sit and off. My foster mom is working on leave it (as I am obsessed with the quail they have in the pen here) also working on don’t eat it (so I don’t wreck all the toys). Hey, everyone has some things they need to work on right? We all can’t be perfect. So if you think you would like to come meet me and share my love and companionship for a lifetime be sure to take a moment to fill out the adoption application and note Jack or Jack Jack as my foster mom calls me and we will be in touch with you soon! Jack was surrendered to ABR by his owners who fell on hard times financially and could no longer care for him. He is neutered up to date on shots, microchipped and on heartworm preventative. He is currently 32lbs but does need to put on some weight.

Jack - 20032202

Location: West Creek, New Jersey
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: December 1, 2013 - Actual
Age: 10 Year, 9 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hi! Jack here, thought I would stop by for just a minute to introduce myself. But just a minute you see as I am a very busy boy-literally. I’m learning to slow down here in my foster home and enjoy the freedoms of life in a foster home. You see my prior owner left me crated a lot so I am learning that I have all the free time in to world now to PLAY, PLAY, PLAY with my toys and especially my ball! Then take some down time to snuggle and even take a nap on the couch in the sunny spot. Wow, life is much, much different than before and I am really liking it. So let me tell you a little about myself. I have a heart on the top of my head dead center and this indicates all the love and kisses I have to share with a special someone in my forever home. As I love to snuggle, be petted and give you some Brittany smooches. I am house broken, crate trained, good with dogs and love the Brittany here at my foster home we play and have a great time. I don’t know about cats as my prior home didn’t have any and neither does my foster home. I pull some on leash but not at all on harness but do zig zag some when on a walk back and forth in front of you taking in all the smells but hey I am new here so that could change. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to play ball and will bring it back and drop it at your feet for another throw! I also know some commands like sit and off. My foster mom is working on leave it (as I am obsessed with the quail they have in the pen here) also working on don’t eat it (so I don’t wreck all the toys). Hey, everyone has some things they need to work on right? We all can’t be perfect. So if you think you would like to come meet me and share my love and companionship for a lifetime be sure to take a moment to fill out the adoption application and note Jack or Jack Jack as my foster mom calls me and we will be in touch with you soon! Jack was surrendered to ABR by his owners who fell on hard times financially and could no longer care for him. He is neutered up to date on shots, microchipped and on heartworm preventative. He is currently 32lbs but does need to put on some weight.