Toby - 20032099

Location: Dunbridge, Ohio
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 1, 2010 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Male
Altered Date: August 31, 2018

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


8/21/18 Toby was taken into rescue on an emergency basis. Boy and supposedly developed SA and according the owner destroyed their kitchen. He is temporarily with Cindy Steeb until we find a more permanent situation for him. Jody Brickner had been working with this family since March, owner surrender application was submitted 8/19/18, finally got vet records 8/21/18. Will neuter, microchip him and assess him. 9/1/18 Toby has moved to a new foster home with Kathy McFarland and Bill Boden. Will up date once he gets settled.

Toby - 20032099

Location: Dunbridge, Ohio
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 1, 2010 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Male
Altered Date: August 31, 2018

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


8/21/18 Toby was taken into rescue on an emergency basis. Boy and supposedly developed SA and according the owner destroyed their kitchen. He is temporarily with Cindy Steeb until we find a more permanent situation for him. Jody Brickner had been working with this family since March, owner surrender application was submitted 8/19/18, finally got vet records 8/21/18. Will neuter, microchip him and assess him. 9/1/18 Toby has moved to a new foster home with Kathy McFarland and Bill Boden. Will up date once he gets settled.