Remington - 20031921

Location: Greenville, South Carolina
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 9, 2015 - Actual
Age: 9 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Hi there, my name is Remington. But, my foster dad calls me Remi or Rems. I am about 2 and a half years old. Currently, I live with my foster Dad and my Brittany brother and Whippet sister. I like them all, and they have taught me a lot, but I still have a lot to learn. You see, I was an outdoor doggy and now I am adjusting to living inside. I do love my crate as I spent a lot of time in my crate is my former life. Everything now is so new to me and sometimes that can be scary! But, Dad tells me it is ok and I calm down. I am real sweet boy who needs some patience, guidance and lots of love. When Dad is watching TV I like to sit on the couch right next to him. I am a little nervous getting in the car but am a great co-pilot once inside. My foster dad says I am the best on leash and LOVE my walks! So, if you would like to get to meet me and maybe give me my forever home, please fill out the online adoption application and mention Remington. Then we can give you a call and talk (or you can talk to my foster Dad!). Oh, and I do love treats and I love when it is feeding time!! Anyway, I need to catch some zzzs on this comfy couch, while I am waiting for my new home. Remington was surrendered to ABR by a VA breeder along with his two sisters. Times were getting tight financially and they needed to downsize.

Remington - 20031921

Location: Greenville, South Carolina
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 9, 2015 - Actual
Age: 9 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Hi there, my name is Remington. But, my foster dad calls me Remi or Rems. I am about 2 and a half years old. Currently, I live with my foster Dad and my Brittany brother and Whippet sister. I like them all, and they have taught me a lot, but I still have a lot to learn. You see, I was an outdoor doggy and now I am adjusting to living inside. I do love my crate as I spent a lot of time in my crate is my former life. Everything now is so new to me and sometimes that can be scary! But, Dad tells me it is ok and I calm down. I am real sweet boy who needs some patience, guidance and lots of love. When Dad is watching TV I like to sit on the couch right next to him. I am a little nervous getting in the car but am a great co-pilot once inside. My foster dad says I am the best on leash and LOVE my walks! So, if you would like to get to meet me and maybe give me my forever home, please fill out the online adoption application and mention Remington. Then we can give you a call and talk (or you can talk to my foster Dad!). Oh, and I do love treats and I love when it is feeding time!! Anyway, I need to catch some zzzs on this comfy couch, while I am waiting for my new home. Remington was surrendered to ABR by a VA breeder along with his two sisters. Times were getting tight financially and they needed to downsize.