Ace - 20031902

Location: South Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 8, 2010 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 0 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Ace, what a lovable goof ball. He crates like a dream, loves his people, loves chewies, and LOVES the car! Jangle some car keys and Ace is ready for adventure. His attitude is Where are we going and can I drive? He is smart, active, loving and really just wants your attention. Ace is a guy that will work for food. We kid that if anyone breaking into the house comes armed with treats, Ace will show them all the valuables. He knows basic commands, loves a good tug match and is a joy to watch run the back yard. Ace’s leash manners need improvement, but we find if you keep a pocket of treats he is much more attentive. We are told he got along well with other dogs. Our experience is this guy gets so excited with other dogs, he forgets his doggie manners. We feel confident that with proper introductions, Ace will do well in a multi-dog home. He will also do well as an only dog. No long distance or sight unseen adoptions for Ace. We feel it is important that all family members (human and canine) meet to assure that we have a good fit. Ace is a sweet dog and a wonderful Brit who is anxious for your forever love and companionship. If you would like to meet this wonderful guy complete the adoption application Ace was an owner surrender to ABR. His owner’s life had changed and did not have time for Ace. Our boy is neutered, is current on all vaccinations, Heart Worm negative and on Heart Worm Preventative. He is also microchipped. Now all he needs is wonderful forever home to call his own.

Ace - 20031902

Location: South Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: October 8, 2010 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 0 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Ace, what a lovable goof ball. He crates like a dream, loves his people, loves chewies, and LOVES the car! Jangle some car keys and Ace is ready for adventure. His attitude is Where are we going and can I drive? He is smart, active, loving and really just wants your attention. Ace is a guy that will work for food. We kid that if anyone breaking into the house comes armed with treats, Ace will show them all the valuables. He knows basic commands, loves a good tug match and is a joy to watch run the back yard. Ace’s leash manners need improvement, but we find if you keep a pocket of treats he is much more attentive. We are told he got along well with other dogs. Our experience is this guy gets so excited with other dogs, he forgets his doggie manners. We feel confident that with proper introductions, Ace will do well in a multi-dog home. He will also do well as an only dog. No long distance or sight unseen adoptions for Ace. We feel it is important that all family members (human and canine) meet to assure that we have a good fit. Ace is a sweet dog and a wonderful Brit who is anxious for your forever love and companionship. If you would like to meet this wonderful guy complete the adoption application Ace was an owner surrender to ABR. His owner’s life had changed and did not have time for Ace. Our boy is neutered, is current on all vaccinations, Heart Worm negative and on Heart Worm Preventative. He is also microchipped. Now all he needs is wonderful forever home to call his own.