Benson - 20031888

Location: Averill Park, New York
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 24, 2009 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: July 25, 2017

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hello World, Meet Benson (a.k.a. Bennie, Benben, Beans, or Beaner)! He’s a big boy with a big heart and a lot of playful energy. He’s 8, but hasn’t slowed down a bit – he’s a great jogging buddy, eager swimmer, and he loves to play keep away with his toys, especially stuffed toys that squeak or crinkle. Bennie is a snuggle-bug – he must get his cuddles from his foster mom every afternoon when she gets home. Bennie has settled into our pack and plays well with his foster brothers, though sometimes they’d prefer he give the play a break. He makes little whines and grunts to get your attention, and he’s very growly when he plays. He knows some basic commands, and is learning to walk well on a leash. He’s also fully housebroken, and has never torn anything up when left uncrated, though he also knows to kennel up. While he’s fine with other dogs, he is NOT cat-friendly at this point. We’re working on training him to be around our cat, but that’s a work in progress. Benben is on meds for seizures – the pills costs 50 cents per day, and we just drop them in his food. If you’re looking for a snuggly, playful best buddy, Benson might be the pup for you! He bonds VERY quickly and closely with the gentle hand. He’d do well as either a single dog or a part of a pack, as long as he’s got a human that he can cuddle. If you are interested in Benson be sure to fill out an adoption application Benson was an owner surrender, his owner was unable to care for him due to personal issues, and reached out to ABR for our help. Benson is neutered and up to date on his vaccinations.

Benson - 20031888

Location: Averill Park, New York
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 24, 2009 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 11 Month
Gender: Neutered Male
Altered Date: July 25, 2017

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Hello World, Meet Benson (a.k.a. Bennie, Benben, Beans, or Beaner)! He’s a big boy with a big heart and a lot of playful energy. He’s 8, but hasn’t slowed down a bit – he’s a great jogging buddy, eager swimmer, and he loves to play keep away with his toys, especially stuffed toys that squeak or crinkle. Bennie is a snuggle-bug – he must get his cuddles from his foster mom every afternoon when she gets home. Bennie has settled into our pack and plays well with his foster brothers, though sometimes they’d prefer he give the play a break. He makes little whines and grunts to get your attention, and he’s very growly when he plays. He knows some basic commands, and is learning to walk well on a leash. He’s also fully housebroken, and has never torn anything up when left uncrated, though he also knows to kennel up. While he’s fine with other dogs, he is NOT cat-friendly at this point. We’re working on training him to be around our cat, but that’s a work in progress. Benben is on meds for seizures – the pills costs 50 cents per day, and we just drop them in his food. If you’re looking for a snuggly, playful best buddy, Benson might be the pup for you! He bonds VERY quickly and closely with the gentle hand. He’d do well as either a single dog or a part of a pack, as long as he’s got a human that he can cuddle. If you are interested in Benson be sure to fill out an adoption application Benson was an owner surrender, his owner was unable to care for him due to personal issues, and reached out to ABR for our help. Benson is neutered and up to date on his vaccinations.