Gracie - 20031718

Location: Memphis, Tennessee
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: September 22, 2010 - Actual
Age: 14 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Spayed Female
Altered Date: October 6, 2016


    9.20.16 New volunteer and former adopter, Lynn Lanier Lanigan, is picking Hope up tomorrow and fostering. Hope is a 6 y/o o/w female (never had puppies so may be spayed) being surrendered by breeder. He has been battling cancer for 2 years. That whole time Hope has been tied out in the yard. No vet care. Foster has an appointment with vet on 9.22. More details then. 9,24,16 Hope is hw+, flea ridden and intestinal parasites. Sweet as can be. When given a toy, she buried it in the yard. By the 2nd toy, she realized it was hers and is learning to play 10.4.16 Gracie was diagnosed with pyometra and was spayed the following day. 11.2.16 Gracie coughed up blood a couple times on 10.31. Vet says it complication due to heartworm disease so they are beginning treatment now that she is recovered from her spa

    Gracie - 20031718

    Location: Memphis, Tennessee
    Color: Orange and White
    Birthdate: September 22, 2010 - Actual
    Age: 14 Year, 3 Month
    Gender: Spayed Female
    Altered Date: October 6, 2016


      9.20.16 New volunteer and former adopter, Lynn Lanier Lanigan, is picking Hope up tomorrow and fostering. Hope is a 6 y/o o/w female (never had puppies so may be spayed) being surrendered by breeder. He has been battling cancer for 2 years. That whole time Hope has been tied out in the yard. No vet care. Foster has an appointment with vet on 9.22. More details then. 9,24,16 Hope is hw+, flea ridden and intestinal parasites. Sweet as can be. When given a toy, she buried it in the yard. By the 2nd toy, she realized it was hers and is learning to play 10.4.16 Gracie was diagnosed with pyometra and was spayed the following day. 11.2.16 Gracie coughed up blood a couple times on 10.31. Vet says it complication due to heartworm disease so they are beginning treatment now that she is recovered from her spa