Lili - 20031678

Location: Sterling, Virginia
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 31, 2012 - Actual
Age: 12 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story Hi, I’m Lili, I’m a 4 year old orange and white (mostly white) sweet Brittany who lives with my Brit sister Abby. I have a little problem it’s a tennis ball addiction, sometimes my foster mom has to take the tennis ball out of my mouth so I can eat my food. I will chase tennis balls forever, I never lose interest, and if I have one in my mouth, I will kick another one around like I’m playing soccer. My foster mom says it’s her morning entertainment to watch me playing soccer on my own. I am very attached to my sister Abby. When Abby coughs or sneezes, I run over to see what’s wrong. I’m the protective older sister, but conversely, at day care, I rely on Abby to initially broker introductions to other dogs before I think its ok to play with them. I’m doing well on my walks, even though I’m shorter and heavier than my sister, I have no problem keeping up, and I just want to go, go, go once you get me outside. When I first came into foster care, I could barely go up the stairs or stand up for very long. I was very overweight and I also have luxating patellas on my two back legs. That means my knee caps pop up and I have a hard time supporting myself, however, my muscle tone is really good and I’m not in any pain. I’ve been in foster care for about 6 weeks now and I am a completely different dog. My foster mom tells me every day how proud she is of me, when people see me walking on the street now, I just look like a happy dog as I am not struggling anymore. I even stand up on my hind legs now to play with my sister Abby, she used to have the upper hand on me, but now I’m an equal match. I still have about 5 lbs to lose, but I’m well on my way and it should be no problem to lose the rest. The vet said that some dogs are fine with my condition as long as they are at a healthy weight but surgery is also an option to fully repair my knees. None of this holds me back, I’m super sweet, I’m good in my crate during the day, I listen to my foster mom well, and really I just want you to throw toys for me to chase and rub my belly when I roll over and also be a forever companion with Abby. Lili and her sister Abby were surrendered to ABR to find them a better living situation than their owners were able to offer. Their dad could no longer physically manage them as a result of health issues. They have always lived together, and are bonded as a pair.

Lili - 20031678

Location: Sterling, Virginia
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 31, 2012 - Actual
Age: 12 Year, 3 Month
Gender: Spayed Female

  • House Broken
  • Crate Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story Hi, I’m Lili, I’m a 4 year old orange and white (mostly white) sweet Brittany who lives with my Brit sister Abby. I have a little problem it’s a tennis ball addiction, sometimes my foster mom has to take the tennis ball out of my mouth so I can eat my food. I will chase tennis balls forever, I never lose interest, and if I have one in my mouth, I will kick another one around like I’m playing soccer. My foster mom says it’s her morning entertainment to watch me playing soccer on my own. I am very attached to my sister Abby. When Abby coughs or sneezes, I run over to see what’s wrong. I’m the protective older sister, but conversely, at day care, I rely on Abby to initially broker introductions to other dogs before I think its ok to play with them. I’m doing well on my walks, even though I’m shorter and heavier than my sister, I have no problem keeping up, and I just want to go, go, go once you get me outside. When I first came into foster care, I could barely go up the stairs or stand up for very long. I was very overweight and I also have luxating patellas on my two back legs. That means my knee caps pop up and I have a hard time supporting myself, however, my muscle tone is really good and I’m not in any pain. I’ve been in foster care for about 6 weeks now and I am a completely different dog. My foster mom tells me every day how proud she is of me, when people see me walking on the street now, I just look like a happy dog as I am not struggling anymore. I even stand up on my hind legs now to play with my sister Abby, she used to have the upper hand on me, but now I’m an equal match. I still have about 5 lbs to lose, but I’m well on my way and it should be no problem to lose the rest. The vet said that some dogs are fine with my condition as long as they are at a healthy weight but surgery is also an option to fully repair my knees. None of this holds me back, I’m super sweet, I’m good in my crate during the day, I listen to my foster mom well, and really I just want you to throw toys for me to chase and rub my belly when I roll over and also be a forever companion with Abby. Lili and her sister Abby were surrendered to ABR to find them a better living situation than their owners were able to offer. Their dad could no longer physically manage them as a result of health issues. They have always lived together, and are bonded as a pair.