Madison - 20031343

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: July 2, 2008 - Actual
Age: 16 Year, 2 Month
Gender: Spayed Female
Altered Date: June 30, 2014

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Look at that sweet face. It belongs to Madison, affectionately called Maddy. She is a shy little girl at 33 lbs, who is flourishing more and more every day, and as she has settled into her foster home, has become more active. She loves to lounge and get many, many belly rubs. She is living with 2 youngsters in her foster home and is being well loved. She is looking for a home of her own, and if Maddy had her choice, this new, forever home, would have lots of pillows to cuddle in, of course a couch to be a potato in, and a doting family who will give her as much love as she has to give. Please submit an adoption application if you are interested in learning more about Madison. : Madison was found wandering on the road in North Carolina. She was picked up by a local resident who contacted a rescue organization she knew. They contacted ABR, and the rest is history. She has been spayed and has had a dental. .

Madison - 20031343

Location: Wilmington, North Carolina
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: July 2, 2008 - Actual
Age: 16 Year, 2 Month
Gender: Spayed Female
Altered Date: June 30, 2014

  • House Broken
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


Dog Story: Look at that sweet face. It belongs to Madison, affectionately called Maddy. She is a shy little girl at 33 lbs, who is flourishing more and more every day, and as she has settled into her foster home, has become more active. She loves to lounge and get many, many belly rubs. She is living with 2 youngsters in her foster home and is being well loved. She is looking for a home of her own, and if Maddy had her choice, this new, forever home, would have lots of pillows to cuddle in, of course a couch to be a potato in, and a doting family who will give her as much love as she has to give. Please submit an adoption application if you are interested in learning more about Madison. : Madison was found wandering on the road in North Carolina. She was picked up by a local resident who contacted a rescue organization she knew. They contacted ABR, and the rest is history. She has been spayed and has had a dental. .