Jake - 20031331

Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: June 15, 2011 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 2 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


This is Jake! A very, VERY Handsome 3 yr old neutered male Brittany looking for a forever home to call his own. Jake is one who likes to speak his mind. When he is excited.BOY you know it. When he is hungry, wants to go outside.he doesn’t mince words!! Jake is just an all around awesome Brittany. He sleeps on a dog bed or couch (but if invited.he will be on your bed). He gives kisses and is gentle. Jake has been around children and does fine. Not a counter surfer which is very nice. Does need work with walking on a leash though and the one important thing you need to know about Jake is that he HATES the crate. He broke a canine trying to break out of one in his previous home. The perfect home for Jake would be one with at least another dog This will help with his confidence and who doesn’t like company? Currently he lives with several other dogs and is so relaxed and going with the flow. Some are leaders, others are followers. Jake is one of those who follows. Would you like to bring Jake home and give him a happily ever after? If the answer is YES.then please fill out the adoption application and mention his name and ID#. Jake is up to date on his vaccines and heartworm negative and on preventative. Jake was surrendered to ABR because his owners were not around enough for him and he was the only dog. He hated being crated and they didn’t have a fenced yard so whenever he had the chance he would go and seek out others for company.

Jake - 20031331

Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Color: Liver and White
Birthdate: June 15, 2011 - Actual
Age: 13 Year, 2 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • House Broken
  • Obedience Trained
  • OK with Dogs
  • Needs Fenced in Yard


This is Jake! A very, VERY Handsome 3 yr old neutered male Brittany looking for a forever home to call his own. Jake is one who likes to speak his mind. When he is excited.BOY you know it. When he is hungry, wants to go outside.he doesn’t mince words!! Jake is just an all around awesome Brittany. He sleeps on a dog bed or couch (but if invited.he will be on your bed). He gives kisses and is gentle. Jake has been around children and does fine. Not a counter surfer which is very nice. Does need work with walking on a leash though and the one important thing you need to know about Jake is that he HATES the crate. He broke a canine trying to break out of one in his previous home. The perfect home for Jake would be one with at least another dog This will help with his confidence and who doesn’t like company? Currently he lives with several other dogs and is so relaxed and going with the flow. Some are leaders, others are followers. Jake is one of those who follows. Would you like to bring Jake home and give him a happily ever after? If the answer is YES.then please fill out the adoption application and mention his name and ID#. Jake is up to date on his vaccines and heartworm negative and on preventative. Jake was surrendered to ABR because his owners were not around enough for him and he was the only dog. He hated being crated and they didn’t have a fenced yard so whenever he had the chance he would go and seek out others for company.