Crash - 20030559

Location: Colombia, Missouri
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 19, 2009 - Actual
Age: 15 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Dog Story: Crash was hit by a car but has been all vetted and fixed up good as new. He is doing well. We don’t know much about him yet, but he did pass a temperament test at the shelter. Crash is a beautiful smart dog! It took him one day to learn Mama doesn’t allow dogs in the kitchen and already knows to come to two tweets of a whistle. We’re working on housebreaking him and he’s doing well. He has discovered our squirrels and bunnies and that’s his passion, but he’ll stop for some loving anytime! He’s good natured and hasn’t had a cross word with our other two dogs. We’ll see how he does with some obedience training. Crash needs a foster home. If you can foster him please send an e-mail to If you are not already an ABR volunteer, please complete our online volunteer application Crash was found after being hit by a car and is in a shelter waiting for a foster home.

Crash - 20030559

Location: Colombia, Missouri
Color: Orange and White
Birthdate: May 19, 2009 - Actual
Age: 15 Year, 4 Month
Gender: Neutered Male

  • OK with Dogs
  • OK with Cats


Dog Story: Crash was hit by a car but has been all vetted and fixed up good as new. He is doing well. We don’t know much about him yet, but he did pass a temperament test at the shelter. Crash is a beautiful smart dog! It took him one day to learn Mama doesn’t allow dogs in the kitchen and already knows to come to two tweets of a whistle. We’re working on housebreaking him and he’s doing well. He has discovered our squirrels and bunnies and that’s his passion, but he’ll stop for some loving anytime! He’s good natured and hasn’t had a cross word with our other two dogs. We’ll see how he does with some obedience training. Crash needs a foster home. If you can foster him please send an e-mail to If you are not already an ABR volunteer, please complete our online volunteer application Crash was found after being hit by a car and is in a shelter waiting for a foster home.